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input/regression/ is no long part of the documentation: use input/tolsr/

From: Graham Percival
Subject: input/regression/ is no long part of the documentation: use input/tolsr/
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 01:46:33 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070221)

To any developers,

If you add a new feature but don't feel like writing an entry for the manual (or the feature is too small to merit such an entry), please consider adding a small file to input/tolsr/ . You should probably still add something to input/regression/ , but now that directory will *only* be used for regression tests (ie of interest to programmers and bug hunters).

The link to the Regression Tests will be removed in a couple of weeks, once the transition to LSR is complete. Mats, Werner: I made a list of tests worth keeping for the documentation; once those have been added and everything's working, I'll invite people to look through the regression tests for any good snippets I missed. Don't be concerned that the "snippets" section looks a lot less bare than the regtests! :)

- Graham

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