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Re: Update template for ancient music transcription

From: Stefan Slapeta
Subject: Re: Update template for ancient music transcription
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 19:32:53 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Here you are.

I would like to fix other things as well (i.e. the missing system start delimiter after the incipit!!), maybe someone could give me a hint?



Graham Percival schrieb:
Thanks for the interest!  Could you send me an entire new
template, with these changes (and whatever else you'd like to
change) ?  That would be easiest for me.

- Graham

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:45:16 +0100
Stefan Slapeta <address@hidden> wrote:


I'm quite new to lilypond and it took me some hours to find out why lyrics don't work as expected when using the template for ancient
music transcription (D.5.1).

Referring to some newsgroup posts (,, I propose to update this template to save others from investing the same amount of time again.

Take the "bassusLyrics" out from the StaffGroup.

Insert this sequence in the layout section:

    \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" }

    \context { \StaffGroup \consists
"Separating_line_group_engraver" }

    \context { \Lyrics \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t }

Thanks in advance!

BTW, I'm still struggling with other ancient music issues ... (,


lilypond-devel mailing list

\version "2.10.10"

global = {
        \set Score.skipBars = ##t

        % incipit
        \once \override Score.SystemStartBracket #'transparent = ##t
        \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0 % tight 
        \key f \major
        \time 2/2
        \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural
        \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural
        \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'neomensural
        \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
        \cadenzaOn % turn off bar lines
        \skip 1*10
        \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
        \bar "||"
        \skip 1*1 % need this extra \skip such that clef change comes
        % after bar line
        \bar ""
        % main
        \revert Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment % CHECK: no effect?
        \cadenzaOff % turn bar lines on again
        \once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t
        \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
        \key g \major
        \time 2/2
        \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'default
        \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'default
        % FIXME: setting printKeyCancellation back to #t must not
        % occur in the first bar after the incipit. Dto. for forceClef.
        % Therefore, we need an extra \skip.
        \skip 1*1
        \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##t
        \set Staff.forceClef = ##f
        \skip 1*7 % the actual music
        % let finis bar go through all staves
        \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
        % finis bar
        \bar "|."

discantusNotes = {
        \transpose c' c'' {
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Discantus "
                % incipit
                \clef "neomensural-c1"
                c'1. s2 % two bars
                \skip 1*8 % eight bars
                \skip 1*1 % one bar
                % main
                \clef "treble"
                d'2. d'4 |
                b e' d'2 |
                c'4 e'4.( d'8 c' b |
                a4) b a2 |
                b4.( c'8 d'4) c'4 |
                \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t c'1 |
                b\breve |

discantusLyrics = \lyricmode {
        % incipit
        % main
        Ju -- bi -- |
        la -- te De -- |
        o, om --
        nis ter -- |
        ra, __ om- |
        "..." |
        -us. |

altusNotes = {
        \transpose c' c'' {
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Altus "
                % incipit
                \clef "neomensural-c3"
                r1 % one bar
                f1. s2 % two bars
                \skip 1*7 % seven bars
                \skip 1*1 % one bar
                % main
                \clef "treble"
                r2 g2. e4 fis g | % two bars
                a2 g4 e |
                fis g4.( fis16 e fis4) |
                g1 |
                \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t g1 |
                g\breve |

altusLyrics = \lyricmode {
        % incipit
        % main
        Ju -- bi -- la -- te | % two bars
        De -- o, om -- |
        nis ter -- ra, |
        "..." |
        -us. |

tenorNotes = {
        \transpose c' c' {
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor "
                % incipit
                \clef "neomensural-c4"
                r\longa % four bars
                r\breve % two bars
                r1 % one bar
                c'1. s2 % two bars
                \skip 1*1 % one bar
                \skip 1*1 % one bar
                % main
                \clef "treble_8"
                R1 |
                R1 |
                R1 |
                r2 d'2. d'4 b e' | % two bars
                \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t e'1 |
                d'\breve |

tenorLyrics = \lyricmode {
        % incipit
        % main
        Ju -- bi -- la -- te | % two bars
        "..." |
        -us. |

bassusNotes = {
        \transpose c' c' {
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bassus "

                % incipit
                \clef "bass"
                r\maxima % eight bars
                f1. s2 % two bars
                \skip 1*1 % one bar

                % main
                \clef "bass"
                R1 |
                R1 |
                R1 |
                R1 |
                g2. e4 |
                \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t e1 |
                g\breve |

bassusLyrics = \lyricmode {
        % incipit

        % main
        Ju -- bi- |
        "..." |
        -us. |

\score {
                \new StaffGroup = choirStaff <<
                        \new Voice =
                        "discantusNotes" << \global \discantusNotes >>
                        \new Lyrics =
                        "discantusLyrics" \lyricsto discantusNotes { 
\discantusLyrics }
                        \new Voice =
                        "altusNotes" << \global \altusNotes >>
                        \new Lyrics =
                        "altusLyrics" \lyricsto altusNotes { \altusLyrics }
                        \new Voice =
                        "tenorNotes" << \global \tenorNotes >>
                        \new Lyrics =
                        "tenorLyrics" \lyricsto tenorNotes { \tenorLyrics }
                        \new Voice =
                        "bassusNotes" << \global \bassusNotes >>
                % to avoid bar lines here, bassus lyrics are defined outside 
the StaffGroup
                \new Lyrics =
                "bassusLyrics" \lyricsto bassusNotes { \bassusLyrics }

        \layout {
                \context {
                        % no bars in staves
                        \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
                        % incipit should not start with a start delimiter
                        \remove "System_start_delimiter_engraver"

                % the next three instructions keep the lyrics between the 
                \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" }
                \context { \Lyrics \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t } 
                \context { \StaffGroup \consists 
"Separating_line_group_engraver" }

                \context {
                        % no slurs
                        \override Slur #'transparent = ##t
                        % Comment in the below "\remove" command to allow line
                        % breaking also at those barlines where a note overlaps
                        % into the next bar. The command is commented out in 
                        % short example score, but especially for large scores, 
                        % will typically yield better line breaking and thus 
                        % overall spacing if you comment in the following 
                        %\remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"

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