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keeping files (previously) in input/

From: Graham Percival
Subject: keeping files (previously) in input/
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 17:46:08 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

A few months ago, I removed all non-regression files from input/.
I saved and put it in input/regression/, since
this file (apparently) tests all output features.

Are there any other files that would be useful for developers,
that I should rescue?

I've had a quick glance, and the only contenders I see are:
- it has a problematic license, but I suppose we could
  automatically run this and generate the score, as a "stress
  test" regtest.  OTOH, if we actually want to do such tests,
  I'm sure that we could write our own python program that
  generates a huge ly file, thereby avoiding copyright problems.

- might be useful for the new abc2ly regtests?

- demonstrates (according to the comment) broken
  ligatures in lilypond?

- does some funky spacing stuff

Remember, this discussion is about whether or not these files
should be restored as part of the developer-only regtests.  We've
already decided that they're not worth being added to the Examples
or Snippets.

- Graham

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