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Re: more compiling questions

From: Jean-Charles Malahieude
Subject: Re: more compiling questions
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 16:14:14 +0100
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Le 20/12/2009 05:19, Carl Sorensen disait :
On 12/19/09 7:29 PM, "Mark Polesky" wrote:

2) If I'm running `make' or `make doc', can I continue to
    work on git, changing branches, making commits, etc.?  I
    assume no, but if someone knows, let me know.

You can't change branches, because that changes the files that make is
working on.

You can make a commit, because a commit doesn't change the files, it just
changes the git database, which make doesn't use.

You can't edit files, because make needs them.

If you really want to do this, you can set up two different local
repositories, and run make in one then do further work on the other.  You
could sync them through a remote repository that you could set up on

That's the reason why I use a "local clone". Here is my tree :

 GIT |-- Lily
     |-- Mentors
     \-- Traduc

Lily is synchronized with the remote. You then create Mentors :

Lily]$ git checkout master
Lily]$ git clone -l -s -n . ../Mentors
 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jcharles/GIT/Mentors/.git/
Lily]$ cd ../Mentors/
Mentors]$ git reset --hard

you do whatever you want in Mentors while compile is running in Lily.
Later on you pull/push Mentors from/to Lily.

I've written (in French for the moment) a kind of "howto" dedicated to those who would like to help me translating and know nothing about git, emacs and all other aliens. If you are intersted, let me know.


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