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Re: Life of a Grob

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: Life of a Grob
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 13:46:26 -0700

On 2/18/10 11:58 AM, "Joe Neeman" <address@hidden> wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 10:56 -0700, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> You need to be running a lilypond binary that was compiled with
> --enable-debugging for it to work.

I've been doing that., but thanks for the tip.

> Also, the regtest doesn't produce
> a .ps for the graph, it just writes a text description to stdout (or
> stderr, I'm not sure). You'll need to process that description with
> "dot" (part of the graphviz package) to produce the ps.

OK, so I've tried that, but the regtest graph appeared to have a syntax
error.  I thought that it might have been because there was only one
element, so no connections.

So I added 3 notes to the input file.  Then I got a syntax error.  I suspect
that somehow the graphviz stuff isn't working any more.

The input file:

sorensen2:lilypond-working Carl$ cat
\header {
  texidoc = "The graphviz feature draws dependency graphs for grob


\version "2.12.0"
\include ""

#(whitelist-grob 'NoteHead)
#(whitelist-grob 'Stem)
#(whitelist-grob "NoteHead")
#(whitelist-grob "Stem")

#(map whitelist-symbol '(stencil style duration-log
             stem-attachment end-position staff-position
             glyph-name direction))

\book {
  \score {
    c'4 d' e' f'

#(ly:progress (call-with-output-string
  (lambda (port) (graph-write graph port))))
#(ly:set-grob-modification-callback #f)
#(ly:set-property-cache-callback #f)

The LilyPond console output:

sorensen2:lilypond-working Carl$ lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.13.14
Processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH
        d' e' f'
Writing graph `#f'...digraph G {
node [shape=rectangle]
error: failed files: ""

Is it worth spending time trying to track down this error?



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