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Re: [PATCH]: Allow context modifications to be stored in a variable and

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: [PATCH]: Allow context modifications to be stored in a variable and inserted into \context or \with
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:06:09 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Our problems with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext resetting previous context modifications highlights one problem we have: So far, it was not possible to store a bunch of context modifications into a variable and apply them later on.
Another incarnation of this problem is that it is not possible to collect some modifications and use them in a \with block. So far, the contents of the \with block had to be explicitly written out. I had the problem that in a full score I needed several staves to be smaller (since they are optional), but I couldn't use a global definition of the settings (defining my own Staff- derived context was also not possible, because in the instrumental part, I need a normal Staff, so all \override Staff.... would break in one or the other case).
No, that's not a problem, as long as you include a
\alias "Staff"
line in the definition of your new context.

So, here is a patch against current origin/master:

It modifies the parser so that context mods can be stored in variables and can be inserted into \with or \context blocks:

-) context modifications lists are stored in a dedicated simple scheme object
     (C++ class Context_mod)
-) Changes to the parser:
  -) context_modifications objects (stored in variables) are now also allowed
     with \with clauses
  -) context_modifications objects are also allowed inside \context

-) this allows us to rewrite \RemoveEmptyStaffContext (unfortunately with
   a little different syntax, since we no longer store \Staff inside the
   new \RemoveEmptyStaves command) so that it no longer erases previous
   settings to the Staff context. Now, instead of
             \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
   one can do
             \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }
   with the same effect and preserve previous changes to the Staff
   context. (The same applies of course to \DrumStaff, \RhythmicStaff,
   etc. as well)

-) Adjusted and the regtests accordingly; Also added regtest
   that checks for RESC not discarding previous settings to the Staff context
Without looking at the actual patch, it looks like a very good thing.
The next step would be to somehow also be able to handle music functions and/or Scheme functions in \with and \context blocks, so that you could do a setting like
\overrideBeamSettings ...
#(set-accidental-style ...)
in such a block, so you can better separate layout settings from the actual music. Of course, such a change is probably much more difficult than your current patch.


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