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Call for help with bar lines

From: Marc Hohl
Subject: Call for help with bar lines
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 11:01:44 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120827 Thunderbird/15.0

Hello list,

I am quite frustrated – yesterday I managed to get the shift out of
input/regression/ which was one of the
last problematic files for my patch.

Today, I looked at the new results: it seems to me that
*every* other regtest file is affected now, but the one mentioned above
is missing – that's not what the patch is supposed to do.

(side note: I did not take a full test cycle, since the last
regtest results showed only major changes in a couple of files, most of them
were deliberate, and was the one with the biggest
optical difference, so I checked just this one and did a make all && make doc
afterwards, which went trough without complaining).

I double-checked the dimensions of the empty bar line: it is
(0.0 . 0.0) for the current master *and* my patch, so this cannot be
the culprit.

\version "2.17.4"

#(define (my-bar-line::print grob)
  (let ((stencil (ly:bar-line::print grob)))

(for-each display (list "\n\nBar line extent:" (ly:stencil-extent stencil X) " for bar line "
                               (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name)))

music = {
  \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = #my-bar-line::print
  c4 c c c \bar ""
  c c c c \bar "|."

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \new Voice { \music }

Can anyone with more knowledge than me give me a hint what's wrong?
IIUC correctly, lilypond draws a bar line at the beginning of each line,
but in most cases, this is an invisible one.
If you look at the results of input/regression/,
the whole stuff is shifted that much to the right that lilypond moves
the rightmost rest to a new line! I can't believe that a bar line with
zero width can be the cause for this...

Any hints are highly appreciated!



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