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Re: place d'un silence

From: Fenlabise
Subject: Re: place d'un silence
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 07:48:06 -0700 (PDT)

pour récompenser vos efforts, voici le code complet du morceau:
*\version "2.12.3"
\paper {
        line-width = 180\mm
\header {
        title = "Quatrième suite anglaise pour piano"
        composer = "Jean-Sébastien BACH"
        piece = "Sarabande"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "haut" <<
                \new Voice = "I" \relative c'' {
                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord"               
                        \tempo 4 = 30                   
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                        \time 3/4
                        \key d \major
                        fis32 e d8. d4^\trill cis8. d16 s s s b32 c \stemDown 
a'2       \stemUp b,16 a
b d~ d cis e d cis b a g \oneVoice
                        fis a g fis g fis e fis e d8 e16        fis32[ gis a8 
gis16] a[ e32 d e16 cis']~
cis d e, b'     cis32[ dis e8 dis16] e[ b32 a b16 gis']~ gis a b, fis' 
                        gis32 a b8 a32 gis fis[ e a16~ a32 gis fis e] dis e 
fis8 a,16
                        gis32[ fis e16 d' b] gis[ e \change Staff = "bas" b 
gis] \stemUp e[ fis32
gis a b \change Staff = "haut" cis d]
                        \stemNeutral cis e a8 gis16 a[ e32 a cis b a gis] a16[ 
e32 a cis b a gis]
                        a cis d8 cis16 d[ a32 d fis e d cis] d16[ a32 d fis e d 
                        d-3[ fis e d cis b-1 cis e] a16[ gis32 fis e d-1 cis-3 
                                { cis16-4 a e gis a4^~ a16 a8 gis16 a4 }
                                \new Voice = "III" \relative c'
                                { \voiceTwo s4 r16 e fis d cis8 * <e cis a>4 }
                        \bar ":|.|:" }
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                        cis32 b a8. a4^\trill g8 fis16 g \change Staff = "bas" 
\voiceTwo \times
4/6 { \slurUp ais,([ b cis d] \change Staff = "haut" \voiceOne e fis) }
\oneVoice e'2
                        d16 cis b g'~ g32[ fis e16 fis c]~ c32 b ais16 b e]~ e 
ais, b cis b ais
gis ais gis fis8 ais32 cis
                        d cis b8 cis32 dis e dis cis8 dis32 e fis e dis8 e32 fis
                        g fis e16~ e32 b e fis g fis e d-1 cis-4 b ais gis-1 
ais cis e8 g,16
                        fis32 g fis e e fis e d d e d cis cis d cis b b cis b 
ais e'16. d32
                        \grace cis8 b8[~ b32 cis d e] fis-5 e d16~ d32 e-1 fis 
g a g fis16~ fis32
g a-1 b
                        c b a8 dis16 e b32 a b16 g'~ g a c, b 
                        a32 g a8 g'16 fis32 e dis8 e32 g c b a8 gis32 a
                        b, a' g fis g16 e c f-5 dis-3 e~-4 e dis32 cis dis fis 
                        a[ g32 fis g8]~ g32 fis e fis g fis e d cis b a b cis d 
e fis
                        g a, gis a b cis d e fis16 c32 b c16 g' a c, b a
                        b32 g fis g a b cis d cis16 g32 fis g16 d' e g, fis e
                        fis32 a-1 b cis \voiceOne d cis d16~ d32 gis a b a gis 
fis e d cis d16 b'
                        d cis8.~ cis32 d e d cis d cis b b16 a8.
                        fis'32 e d8. d4^\trill cis8. d16        s s s b32 c 
\stemDown a'2 \stemUp
                        b,32 cis d8 cis16 d a32 g a16 fis'~ fis g a, g'
                        \oneVoice fis32 g a8 g32 fis e fis g8 fis32 e d e fis8 
e32 d
                        cis e d cis d cis b a~ a fis' e d e-5 cis b a~ a g' fis 
e fis-5 cis b a~
                        a a' g fis g fis e d cis e d cis d cis b a g b a g a g 
fis e
                        fis a d,8 cis16 d a32 d fis e d cis d16 a32 d fis e d 
                        d fis g8 fis16 g d32 g b a g fis g16 d32 g b a g fis
                        g b a g fis e fis a d16 cis32 b a g-1 fis-3 e fis16 d a 
                        d4 \change Staff = "bas" \voiceOne fis,16 a \change 
Staff = "haut" d cis
d4 }
        \new Staff = "bas" <<
                \new Voice = "II" \relative c' {
                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "harpsichord"               
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                        \key d \major
                        \clef bass
                        \change Staff = "haut" \voiceTwo
                        <d a'>4 <e g>2  fis16 g a s s2  g8 fis e g \change 
Staff = "bas" \stemUp a,
cis \oneVoice 
                        d a d, a fis a \stemUp d,[ \stemDown d''16 b cis8 a b-2 
gis-4] a,[ a'16
fis gis8 e fis-2 dis-4]
                        e, d'16 b cis8 a fis dis' e e, s4 s
                        a'8 b cis e cis a
                        fis e fis a fis d-4
                        b16 gis' a e cis b cis d
                                { \stemUp e4^~ \stemUp e8 d e f e4 }
                                \new Voice = "IV" \relative c
                                { \voiceTwo e8 e, a2. } 
                                >> \oneVoice
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                         4 <d b> <cis e> s s s
                        b8 g' a, dis-2 g,-5 e'-1 fis, g'-1 fis e-1 d cis b-1 a 
g a g fis
                        e-1 d cis d cis b-4 ais-5 b e g fis fis, b-4 cis d e-1 
fis g
                        a fis g e-5 e' d c a b g a fis dis' e a, c fis, b-2
                        e,-1 b e, b' e d cis a d e fis d g e a-1 b-4 cis a
                        d b \change Staff = "haut" e fis gis e \voiceTwo a b a 
g fis e
                        <d a'>4 <e g>2  fis16 g a s s2  g8 e fis d e cis
                        \change Staff = "bas" \oneVoice d-1 b cis-2 a b-3 gis
                        a-1 e g-2 cis,-1 e a, cis,4 r4 r8 cis'
                        d e fis a fis d b a b d b g
                        e16 cis' d a fis e fis g a8 a,
                                {\stemDown d2. }
                                \new Voice = "III" { \voiceOne \shiftOn d16 fis 
a d_~ \stemDown d2 }
                                \new Voice = "IV" { \voiceTwo s4 fis8. e16 fis4 
                                \new Voice = "V" { \shiftOn { s4 \once 
\override Rest #'extra-offset =
#'(1.7 . 10.5) r16 a8 g16 a4 } }
\layout {
        #(layout-set-staff-size 20)
\midi {
        \context {
                \remove "Staff_performer"
        \context {
                \consists "Staff_performer"
        \context {
                tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 15 2)

si vous avez encore un peu de patience, comment déplacer vers la gauche la
blanche qui rentre en collision avec la barre d'une croche ; je suppose que
c'est encore la commande 'extra-offset mais quel est le nom de l'objet ?
Merci beaucoup,

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