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Re: Multiple lyrics problem

From: Patrick Hubers
Subject: Re: Multiple lyrics problem
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 10:29:31 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; nl-NL; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040910

Erik Sandberg schreef:

The following code works fine with 2.3.20, take a look for inspiration. To make it work with 2.2.x, you will have to add the \notes and \lyrics keywords where appropriate, and lilypond will probably give you loads of warnings. But I think the output will be fine.

It does work AND gives me loads of warnings, yes :-)

Thanks for the pointer. However, for some reason the stanza numbers don't work well, they don't line up properly. I have a testcase (fairly large, unfortunately), which shows the problem. Any insight in this would be VERY welcome:

\version "2.2.5"

\paper {
 \context { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3) }

sopNotesPartOne = \context Voice = sopNotesPartOne \notes \relative c'' {
 c4 d e c  c d e c
sopNotesPartTwo = \context Voice = sopNotesPartTwo \notes \relative c'' {
 e4 f g2  e4 f g2

sopNotesPartThree = \context Voice = sopNotesPartThree \notes \relative c'' {
 g'8 a g f e4 c4  g'8 a g f e4 c4

sopLyricsPartOne = \context Lyrics = A \lyrics {
 Va- der Ja- cob, va- der Ja- cob
sopLyricsFirstStanza = \context Lyrics = A \lyrics {
 \set stanza = "1. "
 Slaapt gij nog, slaapt gij nog?

sopLyricsSecondStanza = \context Lyrics = B \lyrics {
 \set stanza = "2. "
 Zo- maar iets, zo- maar wat

sopLyricsPartThree = \context Lyrics = A \lyrics {
 Al- le klok- ken lui- den, al- le klok- ken lui- den

altoNotesPartOne = \context Voice = altoNotesPartOne \notes \relative c' {
 c4 d e c  c d e c

altoNotesPartTwo = \context Voice = altoNotesPartTwo \notes \relative c' {
 e4 f g2  e4 f g2
altoNotesPartThree = \context Voice = altoNotesPartThree \notes \relative c' {
 g'8 a g f e4 c4  g'8 a g f e4 c4

altoLyricsPartOne = \context Lyrics = C \lyrics {
 Va- der Ja- cob, va- der Ja- cob
altoLyricsFirstStanza = \context Lyrics = C \lyrics {
 \set stanza = "1. "
 Slaapt gij nog, slaapt gij nog?

altoLyricsSecondStanza = \context Lyrics = D \lyrics {
 \set stanza = "2. "
 Zo- maar iets, zo- maar wat

altoLyricsPartThree = \context Lyrics = C \lyrics {
 Al- le klok- ken lui- den, al- le klok- ken lui- den

\score {
 \context ChoirStaff <<
  \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #'2

  \context Staff = soprano {
   \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano "
   \clef violin
   \context Voice = A {
  \lyricsto sopNotesPartOne \new Lyrics \sopLyricsPartOne
  \lyricsto sopNotesPartTwo <<
   \context Lyrics = A { \sopLyricsFirstStanza }
   \context Lyrics = B { \sopLyricsSecondStanza }
  \lyricsto sopNotesPartThree \new Lyrics \sopLyricsPartThree

  \context Staff = alto {
   \set Staff.instrument = "Alto"
   \clef violin
   \context Voice = C {
    \altoNotesPartThree }
  \lyricsto altoNotesPartOne \new Lyrics \altoLyricsPartOne
  \lyricsto altoNotesPartTwo <<
   \context Lyrics = C { \altoLyricsFirstStanza }
   \context Lyrics = D { \altoLyricsSecondStanza }
  \lyricsto altoNotesPartThree \new Lyrics \altoLyricsPartThree

Patrick Hubers

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