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Re: Notes having two values contemporaneously

From: Die5Willes
Subject: Re: Notes having two values contemporaneously
Date: 23 Dec 2004 12:52 GMT

"Maurizio Tomasi" <address@hidden> schrieb:
> You can use multiple voices, like in the following example:
> \version "2.4.2"
> \score {
>      \new Staff \relative c'' {
>       \time 2/8
>       \set Score.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
>       \override Score.TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
>       << \times 2/3 { \stemDown c16 e g e g c } \\
>          \times 2/3 { \override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f
>                       \stemUp s16 e,8 s16 g8 } >>
>      }
>      \layout { raggedright = ##t }
> }
> Hope this is what you are looking for.  Maybe you will have to correct 
> this score in order to run under Lily 2.2.5.
> Maurizio.

Hi Maurizio!
I had difficulties correcting your score, so I spent some time analyzing it. 
Having understood what your score establishes, I edited it a little bit, had to 
work on it for some time, but finally made it, so your answer was a great help, 
Thank you very much indeed!
Here is my piece of score in lily 2.2.5:

\score { \notes { 

\context Voice << {   \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed 
= ##t   \override TupletBracket

#'bracket-visibility = ##f \override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f 
\times 2/3 { ges''8 f''8}} \\ { \times 2/3 {ges''16 [f' f'']}} >>

\paper { }

Best wishes

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