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emacs mode

From: David Bobroff
Subject: emacs mode
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 23:15:26 +0000

Thanks to Daniel Johnson's post I got LilyPond compiled (I upgraded to
mftrace 1.1.5 and installed potrace).

I ran 'make install' from inside ~/lilypond/elisp/ and saw that the
various *.el files got copied to elsewhere on my system.

I also added this:

(setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name "~/site-lisp")) load-
path)) my ~/.emacs file.  It was some months ago that I last went through
this business so I've forgotten how exactly I did it, plus I neglected
to print out the e-mail telling how to do this.  In the above line
for .emacs should it be added verbatim, or does the "~/site-lisp" thing
need to be spelled out explicitly?  As things stand now, when I start
emacs with a Lily file I do not get a LilyPond menu in emacs, the
tabbing/indentation does not seem to be working (I just get a fixed
distance with each tab rather than the "proper" LilyPond indentation) ,
nor do I get the nice color coding any more (plus the default color
scheme on Fedora Core 3 for emacs is black text on a white background
and is really boring/ugly).

I'm almost there.


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