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Re: Escape sequence for accentuated characters?

From: Christian Ebert
Subject: Re: Escape sequence for accentuated characters?
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 08:19:38 +0100
User-agent: slrn/ (Darwin)

* Han-Wen Nienhuys on Tuesday, November 01, 2005:
> Raphael Manfredi wrote:
>> Where does lilypond get its font list from, so that I can try others?
> the easiest is to put a .ttf  .pfb  or .pfa in ~/.fonts. If it shows up 
> on the output of
>       fc-list
> you can use it in lily.

Well, I can *not* use it on MacOS 10.3.9:

$ fc-list Sabon

and I tried e.g

\override Score.BarNumber   #'font-name = #"Sabon-RomanOsF"


\override Score.BarNumber   #'font-name = #"Sabon RomanOsF"


\override Score.BarNumber   #'font-name = #"Sabon Roman Oldstyle Figures"

or (despair!)

\override Score.BarNumber   #'font-name = #"Sabon"

and it I still only get LuxiSans.

Apart from the fact that even if it worked any customized TeX
font metrics (for LyricTexT e.g) were gone.

So, again, for me a switch to lilypond >2.4.5 would mean

a) a loss of quality
b) a setup that's veeeery ;-) far from easier to use

_B A U S T E L L E N_ lesen!  --->> <>

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