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Re: Different staff sizes?

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: Different staff sizes?
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 10:52:22 -0400

Hi, Geoff:

I'm of two minds about this. Consistency does have strong advantages,
but when there are various ways to do the same thing, it can help to
see examples of all so that I can choose the one most appropriate for
what I want to do.


However, the particular example in question is not designed to teach someone the different ways to embed or nest \relative blocks with \new Staff contexts with <<>> with {}, and so on -- it's meant only to demonstrate how to change Staff size, period. [Of course, if there *are* multiple ways OF CHANGING THE STAFF SIZE, they should all be included in this example, if feasible/appropriate.]

It's just that, IMO, all Lilypond examples should employ precisely the same, simple (i.e., least confusing) method of generating and displaying all the Objects necessary to demonstrate the particular issue in question, and they clearly don't right now.

More to your point, there definitely should be a specific example/ section/tip on all the different ways to generate the same output with different context instantiation and nesting, which includes a description of the pros and cons, examples of best places to use each, etc.

For the record, I think the documentation has come forward *light- years* in the past six months or so, primarily due to Graham's hard work (or so it seems to me) -- I just think we can continue to improve it, and this would be one of the ways. Also for the record, I'm quite happy (once I'm finished composing this opera I'm working on) to assume the role of Example-Code Janitor, to ensure that all doc samples adhere to whatever standard(s) we agree upon.


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