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Re: make ties between notes from different voices

From: Karl Hammar
Subject: Re: make ties between notes from different voices
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 16:33:49 +0100

> That is what I did since I couldn't tie the first "fis" with the second when
> I was putting the first "fis" in the same voice as the "a" and "c"
> underneath. But is there a way to make the first fis look as if it was in
> the same chord?

If it doesn't work with finésse, you have to take your chances,
try with \stemDown in the upper voice:

\version "2.11.9"

\layout {
  raggedright = ##t
  indent = 0

global = { \clef treble \time 3/4 }
top = \relative c'' { \stemDown fis4~ fis e fis }
bot = \relative c'' { <a c>4~ <a c>2. }

\score {
  \new Staff {
    r2 << \top \\ \bot >>


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