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Hymn settings and partcombine?

From: Earnest Richards
Subject: Hymn settings and partcombine?
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 21:15:38 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

Below is a lilypond file that is typical of some hymn settings i'm trying (the 
core of this is from from the snippet repository).  Basically, the 
soprano and alto are on a stave together the tenor and bass are on seperate 
staves, corresponding to RH, LH, and pedal for organ.  It's no big deal to 
rearrange the voices in the score section to have the RH be soprano only, and 
then the LH to be the alto and tenor - in a separate file.  But.... I would 
like to be able to arrange a single file that has, for example in a four stanza 
hymn, the first and second stanzas set RH:soprano and alto, LH:tenor, PED:bass; 
the third stanza set like RH:soprano, LH:alto and tenor, PED bass; then the 
final stanza set like stanzas one and two but transposed up a half-step or a 
whole step.
(see %%%comments in the score%%%)(the basic setting works great, but crashes 

\version "2.10.0"

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
left-margin = 1\in
line-width = 6.5\in

title = "Praise to the Lord"
subtitle = "LOBE DEN HERRN"

sopranoNotes = \relative c {
\key f\major

f'4 f4 c'4 a4. g8 f4 e4 
d4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g2. f2.
f4 f4 c'4 a4. g8 f4 e4
d4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g2. f2. 
c'4 c4 c4 d2. 
a4 bes4 c4 c4 bes4 a4 g2.
c,4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 g2. f2. 


altoNotes =  \relative c {
\key f\major

c'4 d4 c4 f4. e8 d4 c4 
bes4 a4 bes4 bes4 a4 d4 c4 bes4 a2.

c4 d4 c4 f4. e8 d4 c4 bes4 a4 bes4 
bes4 a4 d4 c4 bes4 a2.

f'4 g4 f4 f2.
f4 f4 g4 f4 d8 e8 f4 e2.

c4 bes4 bes4 a4 d4 cis4 d2 c8 bes8 a2.


tenorNotes =  \relative c {
\key f\major

a'4 a4 g4 c4. c8 a4 a4 f4 
f4 f4 g4 f4 f4 e2 f2.

a4 a4 g4 c4. c8 a4 
a4 f4 f4 f4 g4 f4 f4 e2 f2. 

a4 g4 a4 bes2. 
c4 bes4 g4 a4 bes4 c4 c2. f,4 

f4 g4 f4 d4 e4 d4 g8 f8 e4 f2.

bassNotes =  \relative c {
\key f\major

f4 d4 e4 f4. c8 d4 a4 bes4 
f4 bes4 g4 d'4 bes4 c2 f,2. 

f'4 d4 e4 f4. c8 d4 a4 bes4 
f4 bes4 g4 d'4 bes4 c2 f,2.

f'4 e4 f4 bes,2. 
f'4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a8 f8 c2.

a4 bes4 g4 d'4 a4 a4 bes2 c4 f,2. 

\score { \context StaffGroup
%%%- i've tried copying this section to....
\context Staff = "upper"
\set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
\clef treble
\time 3/4
\context Staff = "middle"
\clef bass
\time 3/4
\context Staff = "lower"
\clef bass
\time 3/4

%%% here....

%%% down here with the parts combined the way I described above

\layout {
indent = 0.0\in }



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