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independent spacing

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: independent spacing
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 13:30:39 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Dear Lilypond-Users,
I have a question concerning horizontal space in different staves.
I would like to have the horizontal spacing in the first staff completely independent from the spasing in the second. It means, I don't want to have the 2nd bes at the same time as the g in the second voice.
Is there a possiblitie to reach this aim?
Here a short example:

kleiner = \set fontSize = #-3
normal = \unset fontSize

\relative << { \kleiner bes8_\markup {\italic "as fast as possible"} b bes cis \normal r2 }
   {\newSpacingSection c4 g' c2 } >>

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