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a snippet

From: James E. Bailey
Subject: a snippet
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:45:33 +0200

I wanted to submit a snippet for the LSR, but that didn't work out so well for me, so I thought I would just put it here, it's the next best thing, really. I needed a way to have in a choral piece a single line of text for most of the work, and at the end, in the stretto, the texts exploded to be above and below the staves. Here it is sopranomusic = { c''4 b'4 c''4 \new Voice = "sopranoupper" {\voiceOne d''4~ d''4 e''4 d''4 c''4} } altomusic = { g'4 g'4 a'4 r4 \new Voice = "altolower" {\voiceTwo r4 c'4 f'4 g'4 } } tenormusic = { e'4 d'4 c'4 r4 \new Voice = "tenorupper" {\voiceOne g4 a4 b4 c'4 } }
bassmusic = { c4 d4 d4 r4 \new Voice = "basslower" {\voiceTwo r2. c4 } }
choirtext = \lyricmode { In4 be4 -- tween4 }
sopranotext = \lyricmode { a -- bove this voice }
altotext = \lyricmode { be -- low voice }
tenortext = \lyricmode { a -- bove this voice }
basstext = \lyricmode { voice }
\score {
        \new ChoirStaff <<
                \new Staff = women <<
                        \new Voice = "soprano" {\voiceOne \sopranomusic}
                        \new Voice = "alto" {\voiceTwo \altomusic}
                \context Lyrics \choirtext
                \new Staff = men << \clef bass
                        \new Voice = "tenor" {\voiceOne \tenormusic}
                        \new Voice = "bass" {\voiceTwo \bassmusic}
\new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=women} \lyricsto sopranoupper \sopranotext \new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext=women} \lyricsto altolower \altotext \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=men} \lyricsto tenorupper \tenortext \new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext=men} \lyricsto basslower \basstext
I hope it helps someone in the future. (at the very least me, when I forget how to do this and I need to again.

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