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garbled lyrics

From: Bill Mooney
Subject: garbled lyrics
Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2008 11:04:45 +1200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

Hi Kenny,
I'm not sufficiently au faix with all the aspects of Lilypond to say why the text gets garbled... I suspect it is to do with the use of 'melisma' in the music parts, and possibly with the way the 'score' is set up to deal with the text entry. I have attached a re-worked version using an adaptation of the SATB template provided in the LP docs. note that I have %-out the lines with 'melisma' in, and have placed the simple music expression immediately under them.
Perhaps it will provide you with some clues of how to fix your version

I hope this is of help
\version "2.10.33"
\include ""

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

 title = "He Has Made Me Glad"
 subtitle = "(I Will Enter His Gates)"

global =
  \time 2/2
  \key ef \major

% soprano
sopMusic = \relative c'
{ %\global
  \partial 2 ef4 g4 |
  bf4 bf2 bf4 |
  c2 c4 c4 |
  bf4 bf4 g4 f4 |
  ef2 ef4 g4 |
  bf4 bf2 bf4 |
  c2 c2 |
  %\melisma \slurUp c4( bf2.) \melismaEnd |
  c4( bf2.)
  r2 ef,4 g4 |
  bf4 bf4 bf4 bf4 |
  c2 c4 c4 |
  %bf2 \melisma g4( f4) \melismaEnd |
  bf2  g4( f4)
  ef2. g4 |
  af4. af8 af4 g4 |
  f4 f4 ef4 d4 |
  %\tieUp \melisma ef1~ |
  %ef2 \melismaEnd r2 |
  ef2 r2
  bf'4 bf4 bf4 bf4 |
  c1 |
  bf4 bf4 bf4 g4 |
  ef2. g4 |
  af4. af8 af4 g4 |
  f4 f4 ef4 f4 |
  %\melisma g2( af2 |
  g2( af2
  %bf1) \melismaEnd |
  bf4 bf4 bf4 bf4 |
  c1 |
  bf4 bf4 bf4 g4 |
  ef2. g4 |
  af4. af8 af4 g4 |
  f4 f4 ef4 d4 |
  %\melisma ef1~ |
  %ef2 \melismaEnd
  \bar "|."

noFlag = \once\override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag

% alto
altoMusic = \relative c''
{ %\global
  \partial2 \skip2 |
  g4 g2 g4 |
  af2 af4 af4 |
  g4 g4 \skip2 |
  \skip1 |
  g4 g2 g4 |
  af2 af2 |
  \skip1 |
  \skip1 |
  g4 g4 g4 g4 |
  af2 af4 af4 |
  g2 \skip2 |
  \skip1 |
  \skip1 |
  \skip1 |
  \skip1 |
  \skip1 |
  g4 g4 g4 g4 |
  af1 |
  g4 g4 g4 \skip4 |
  g,4\rest bf2 ef4 |
  ef4. \noFlag ef8 \skip2 |
  d4 d4 c4 d4 |
  ef2 ef2 |
  ef1 |
  g4 g4 g4 g4 |
  af1 |
  g4 g4 g4 g |
  g,4\rest bf2 ef4 |
  ef4. \noFlag ef8 \skip2 |
  d4 d4 c4 bf4 |
  bf1~ |
  bf2 \partial 2

% tenor
tenorMusic = \relative c'
{ %\global
  \partial2 \skip2 |
  ef4 ef2 ef4 |
  ef2 ef4 ef4 |
  ef4 ef4 bf4 af4 |
  g2 \skip2 |
  ef'4 ef2 ef4 |
  ef2 ef2 |
  ef4 d2. |
  \skip1 |
  ef4 ef4 ef4 ef4 |
  ef2 ef4 ef4 |
  ef2 \stemDown d2 \stemNeutral |
  c2. bf4 |
  c4. \noFlag c8 c4 bf4 |
  af4 af4 g4 f4 |
  g1 ~ |
  g2 \skip2 |
  ef'4 ef4 ef4 ef4 |
  ef1 |
  ef4 ef4 ef4 \skip4 |
  g,4\rest g2 bf4 |
  c4. \noFlag c8 c4 bf4 |
  af4 af4 af4 g4 |
  \melisma bf2 bf2 |
  bf1 \melismaEnd |
  ef4 ef4 ef4 ef4 |
  ef1 |
  ef4 ef4 ef4 \skip4 |
  g,4\rest g2 bf4 |
  c4. \noFlag c8 c4 bf4 |
  af4 af4 af4 af4 |
  \melisma g1~ |
  g2 \melismaEnd

% Bass
bassMusic = \relative c,
{ %\global
  \partial 2 r2 |
  ef2 g2 |
  af2 c2 |
  ef,2 bf'2 |
  ef2 bf2 |
  ef,2 g2 |
  af2 af2 |
  bf2 f2 |
  bf4 bf4 c4 d4 |
  ef2 g,2 |
  af2 af2 |
  ef2 b'2 |
  c2 bf?2 |
  af2 af2 |
  bf1 |
  ef,2 bf'2 |
  ef4 bf4 c4 d4 |
  ef,2 bf'2 |
  af1 |
  ef2 ef'2 |
  c1 |
  f,1 |
  bf1 |
  ef,2 f2 |
  g2 ef'2 |
  ef,2 bf'2 |
  af1 |
  ef2 ef'2 |
  c1 |
  f,1 |
  bf1 |
  ef,2 bf'2 |

sopWords = \lyricmode
  I will en -- ter His gates with thanks -- giv -- ing in my heart,
  I will en -- ter His courts with praise._
  I will say, "\"This" is the day that the Lord has_ made.
  I will re --  joice for He has made me "glad\""
  He has made me glad
  He has made me glad
  I will re -- joice for He has made me glad
  He has made me glad
  He has made me glad
  I will re -- joice for He has made me glad

\score {
\new ChoirStaff

\new Staff = women
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column {"S " "A " } }
%\new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
            \new Voice =
            "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }
            \new Voice =
            "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
\new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
\new Staff = men
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column {"T " "B " } }
            \clef bass
            \new Voice =
            "tenors" { \voiceOne <<\global \tenorMusic >> }
            \new Voice =
            "basses" { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassMusic >> }
\context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords


%\new PianoStaff
%\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = " Organ  "
%\new Staff = "upper"  { << \global \upper >> }
%\new Staff = "lower"  { \clef bass { << \global \lower >> } }
%\layout {
%\context {
% a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff
%\override VerticalAxisGroup #minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)

% }
%  }

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