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Re: [Choral] Voices/staves - moving from tenor/bass to T1/T2/B1/B2 andba

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: [Choral] Voices/staves - moving from tenor/bass to T1/T2/B1/B2 andback
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:41:21 -0000


Below is a possible approach.  This is far from a finished
piece, but it may give you some ideas.  It uses four staves
throughout, two for tenor, two for bass.  The Ten1 and Bas1
staves are used for the sections which are undivided.

The music is split into sections corresponding to divided
and undivided parts, in the example there are four sections,
A, B, C, D.  Each section has music defined for all four
parts, but for the undivided sections the music for the lower
voices contains just spacer notes.  Each section is followed
by a \break.  This allows empty staves to be removed by the
tweaks in the \layout block.

Making the ambitus work over both parts is trickier.  First
the ambitus engraver has to be added to the two staves holding
the top parts, and the music for the lower part added to it
using \hideNotes as a second voice.

There may be better ways, but I think this will work for you.



SectATenOne = \relative c' { a2 b c d }
SectATenTwo = s1*2
SectBTenOne = \relative c' { a2 b c d }
SectBTenTwo = \relative c' { b2 a g f }
SectCTenOne = \relative c' { a2 a a a }
SectCTenTwo = s1*2
SectDTenOne = \relative c' { a2 a a a }
SectDTenTwo = \relative c' { b2 b b b }

SectABasOne = \relative c' { a2 b c d }
SectABasTwo = s1*2
SectBBasOne = \relative c' { a2 a a a }
SectBBasTwo = \relative c' { b2 a g f }
SectCBasOne = \relative c' { a2 a a a }
SectCBasTwo = s1*2
SectDBasOne = \relative c' { a2 a a a }
SectDBasTwo = \relative c' { b2 b b b }

\layout {
 \context {
   \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t

\score {
 \new ChoirStaff <<
   \new Staff = "Ten1"
   \with {
     \consists Ambitus_engraver
   } {
     \clef "treble_8"
     << \SectBTenOne \\ \hideNotes \SectBTenTwo >>
     << \SectDTenOne \\ \hideNotes \SectDTenTwo >>
   \new Staff = "Ten2" {
     \clef "treble_8"
   \new Staff = "Bas1"
   \with {
     \consists Ambitus_engraver
   } {
     \clef "bass"
     << \SectBBasOne \\ \hideNotes \SectBBasTwo >>
     << \SectDBasOne \\ \hideNotes \SectDBasTwo >>
   \new Staff = "Bas2" {
     \clef "bass"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Wright" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 1:01 PM
Subject: [Choral] Voices/staves - moving from tenor/bass to T1/T2/B1/B2 andback

Hi all,

I have a sneaky suspicion I'm approaching this problem in completely
the wrong way, and I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to do it
in a way that works.

I'm trying to typeset a choral piece which starts out with just a
tenor line and a bass line. No problem. Then the tenor line and bass
line each split into T1/T2 and B1/B2 before reverting to T/B.

I'd *like* to render this as starting with two staves and then moving to
four, then back to two (note: trying to keep the two tenor voices in the
same staff is technically possible but wouldn't work very well and
is not what I want - same with the two bass voices).

I started with an attempt to follow the snippet "Adding an extra
staff" in this section of the Snippets List:

My example attempt (just two bars) is here:

...and the result here:

Argh :). As you can see, there are two major problems with this result.

First - the "new" staves were both added at the bottom. I was hoping the
new tenor staff would be added below the existing tenor staff and the
new bass staff below the existing bass staff. Is there a way to make
that happen?

Second - the ambitus engraver is not acknowledging the extra pitch
range caused by the E semibreves in the tenorTwo and bassTwo lines.
I can see that makes sense in a way - probably the ambitus only
applies to the music of the first bar - but I would have liked it to
apply to the entire range of the tenor voice (both tenorOne and
tenorTwo) and similarly with the basses. Is there a way to accomplish

As suggested in my first paragraph above, I'm starting to think I've
approached this in the wrong way - that perhaps there might be a more
elegant solution for this kind of problem.

Or perhaps I'm on the right track and I've just got a few technical
details wrong. :-)

Any suggestions much appreciated, thanks.

(I'm using Lilypond 2.10.33, just in case it matters.)

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