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Re: Crescendo or decrescendo on one note

From: James Bailey
Subject: Re: Crescendo or decrescendo on one note
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 07:27:19 +0200

On Oct 19, 2010, at 7:06 AM, Cordilow wrote:

> I have a situation where there are only two notes considered, side by side.
> One has a crescendo and the next has a decrescendo. Any ideas on how to do
> this? I looked at the documentation and could only find something doable
> with a three note combination, or with both on a single note (as with
> \espressivo). I also need to do it in cases where the notes aren't side by
> side (but just have each over its note).
> Here's a link to a picture of the song I'm engraving (yes, this version is
> old enough to be public domain in the United States):
> -- 

I would do this:
soprano = \relative c'' {
        c4. d8 es4. as,8        | %11
        b2 r4
sopranoDynamics = {
        s2 s4\< s8\! s\>        | %11
%       or possibly
%       s2 s8\< s8\! s\> s\!    | %11
        s1\!    | %12

\score {
        \new ChoirStaff <<
                \new Staff <<

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