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Re: Bar numbers for broken measures

From: Peter Gentry
Subject: Re: Bar numbers for broken measures
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 11:55:59 +0100

Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 21:27:01 -0400
>From: Mark Witmer <address@hidden>
>\version "2.16.0"
>\relative c' { \time 4/4 \repeat volta 2 {  c d e }
>       \once \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(lambda (bar-number 
> measure-position) #t)
>       \once \set Score.barNumberFormatter =  #(lambda (bar-number 
> measure-position alternative-number extra)
>                   (markup (string-append "(" (number->string bar-number)")")))
>       \break f | g a b } \paper { ragged-right = ##t }

I was also interseted in this issue and just breaking into Scheme (Lambda 
baffled me for a while). 

I can find references to bar-number and measure-position but not 
alternative-number and extra. I am guessing that they are Lilypond
internals - is this the case?

Also many scores I have "engraved" have repeats that end and start within bars. 
I seem to need to use \partial within the score and
not just at the beginning. My logs are laced with warnings but the scores print 
and the midi output repeats as required. Is there
any way to stop these warnings or should I just "live with it"? 

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