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bmc2ly: Braille music to LilyPond conversion

From: Mario Lang
Subject: bmc2ly: Braille music to LilyPond conversion
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 12:24:34 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

Hi Lillies!

I am new here, so let me shortly introduce myself.  I am a a Linux and
Free Software user since 1997.  Computers and music have always been one
of my hobbies.  Since about 4 years now I am working on Open Source software
to process (first write, now read) braille music code.  Braille music is
a rather old standard, dating back to 1880.  It has been streamlined
since in various international meetings.  Basically, it is a way to
write a typical musical score in a tactile, linear manner.
In case you wonder, yes, I am blind myself.  That is why I spend my free
time playing with such obscure (almost cryptic!) things :-).

My current subproject in that area is parsing braille music code and
converting it to another (visual) representation.  While I have worked
lots with MusicXML in the past, it made more sense to start with
LilyPond when it comes to exporting my parse results.  This is what I
currently do, and what has resulted in a tool called bmc2ly.  It takes
Braille music code from stdin and converts it to a LilyPond score file.

As a small teaser, I include two examples in this mail directly.  First
is the braille music code, followed by the LilyPond source created from

If you have any interest in what I am doing, please make sure to drop me
a mail.  If you know of people that could benefit from this work, please
let them know.  If you are interested in this topic and you are looking
for a project to contribute to, please consider helping.  I am more or
less on my own currently, and while I have learnt a lot about visual
music notation, writing a translator between the tactile and the visual
world without being able to actually see the visual results is quite a
crazy job.  Its fun, but I could use a helping hand here and there.

BMC (the project of which bmc2ly is a part of) has not been publicly
released yet.  It lives on GitHub though, and can be built from there

So, without further delay, here are my teasers :-).  Thanks for your
kind attention.

bwv988 variation 30:


% Automatically generated by BMC, the braille music compiler
\version "2.14.2"
music =
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \clef "treble"
        \key g \major
        \partial 8 
        << {r8}\\{r8} >> | % 0
        << {r2 r4 r8 d'-1}\\{r1} >> | % 1
        << {g'8-2 a'-1 b'-3 c'' d'' c''16 b' a'8-2 r}\\{g'4-2 g'-2 a'-1 a'} >> 
| % 2
        << {d''4-5 d'' e'' e''-5}\\{g'8-1 a' g' f'-2 e' d'  c'  b'-1} >> | % 3
        <d''-4 a'-2>8 <e'' g'> <d'' a'> <c''-5 fis'-1> << {b'8 a' g'4}\\{g'4 
g'8 d'} >> | % 4
        << {r2 r4 r8 d''-3}\\{g'8 a' b' c'' d'' c''16 b' a'8-1 d''~-3}\\{g'4 g' 
a' a'-1} >> | % 5
        << {g''8 fis''-4 e''-5 d'' cis'' b'16 cis'' a'8-2 r}\\{d''8 c'' b'4 
a'4. b'16-1 cis''}\\{g'8 a' g'-2 fis' e'  d' cis' r} >> | % 6
        << {a''4 a'' b'' b''}\\{d''8 e'' fis'' d''-2 b' d'' g''-4 fis''} >> | % 
        << {a''8-4 b'' a'' g''-5 fis'' e''-5 d''}\\{e''8. d''16~ d'' cis''-2 
e''8~ e''16 d''8 cis''16 d''8}\\{r4 r8 a'~ a' g' fis'} >>  \bar ":|:" % 8
        << { a''8}\\{r8} >> | % 9
        << {fis''8 a'' fis'' a'' d''-2 e''16 fis'' g''8 e''}\\{a'4 a' b' b'} >> 
| % 10
        <a'' a'>8 <g''-4 b'> <fis''-3 a'> <e''-5 g'> << {dis''8 cis''16 dis'' 
b'8 b''}\\{ fis'8-1 e' dis' r} >> | % 11
        << {e''8 b'' e'' b'' dis''16-2 e''-4 fis''-3 g'' a''8 g''16 fis''}\\{ 
b'4 b' c'' c''} >> | % 12
        << {g''8-5 fis''16 e''-5 dis''-3 e'' fis'' dis'' e''2~-5}\\{b'8 c'' b' 
a' g' fis'16-2 g'-2 e'8 r} >> | % 13
        << {e''16 d''-1 fis''-3 e'' g'' fis'' a''8 d''4.-"1-3" c''16 d''}\\{r2  
g'4  g'-1} >> | % 14
        << {e''8-4 fis''16-3 g'' a''8 g''-4 fis''16 e''32 fis''-5 d''8-3 
r4}\\{c''8.-1 d''16 c''8 b' a' b'-2 c''-1 d''} >> | % 15
        << {b''8-"5-4" c''' d'''-4 b'' c'''-5 b''-4 a''-5 g''-"4-5"}\\{b'8  
a'16-1  b'-1  g'8-1 r r  e''16-2 d'' c''8-1 e''} >> | % 16
        << {fis''8 g'' a'' fis'' g''4 g''8}\\{a'16 d''-3 c'' b' c'' a' d''8~ 
d'' c''16 d'' b'8} >>  \bar ":|" % 17
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        \partial 8 
        << {r8}\\{d8-5} >> | % 0
        << {g2-2 fis}\\{g8-2  a-1 b c' d' c'16 b  a8-1 g16 a} >> | % 1
        << {e2 d4.-4 c8}\\{b8-2 a g2-1 fis8 e16 fis} >> | % 2
        << {b,2 c}\\{g4 r8 d' c' b a g-1} >> | % 3
        << {d2 g,4 r8 b16 a}\\{fis4~ fis16 e32 fis d8~-1 d4 r} >> | % 4
        g8 fis16 g-1 e8 d16 e fis4. b8 | % 5
        e4.-4 fis16 g a4~-"1-4" a16 g fis-4 e | % 6
        << {fis4-3 d g g,}\\{fis8-3 g a fis-2 g fis e-1 d} >> | % 7
        << {a,2-5 d,4 r8}\\{cis8 d e cis-2 d4 d8} >>  \bar ":|:" % 8
        << { r8}\\{fis'8-1} >> | % 9
        << {d'4-2 c' b g}\\{d'8-2 fis' d' fis' g' d' d'-2 g'} >> | % 10
        << {c'8-3 b c' a b4. a8}\\{e'8-2 r r4 fis'-1 fis'} >> | % 11
        << {g8 e' g e' a4. ais8-4}\\{g'4 g' fis'8-1 g'-1 fis'-2 e'-1} >> | % 12
        << {b4-5 b, e4.-"3-5" d8}\\{dis'8-2 e'16 fis'-2 b4~ b8 a16 b g8-3 a16-1 
b-2} >> | % 13
        << {c4 c' b4. c'16-3 b}\\{c'8 d'-1 e'-3 fis' g' fis'16 e' d'8-1 r} >> | 
% 14
        << {a4. b16 c' d'4.-3 c'16 d'}\\{r8 a' e'-2 d'16 e'-1 fis'8-2 g'4 
fis'8} >> | % 15
        << {g8 a b-3 g c'4.-"3-5" cis'8}\\{d'4-2 d' e' e'-2} >> | % 16
        << {d'4-3 d g-4 g,8}\\{d'8-3 e' d'-1 c'-2 b-1 a g} >>  \bar ":|" % 17

\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats \music
  \midi { }

bwv 988 variation 6:


% Automatically generated by BMC, the braille music compiler
\version "2.14.2"
music =
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \clef "treble"
        \key g \major
        \time 3/8
        g''4.~-4 \bar "|:" % 1
        \repeat volta 2 {
          << { a''4.~}\\{g''8 fis''16 e'' d'' c''-2} >> |
          << {a''8 g''16 fis'' e''-5 d''}\\{b'4.~} >> |
          << {c''4.~-"3-5"}\\{b'8 a'16-2 g' fis'-3 e'} >> |
          << {c''8 b'16-4 a'-5 g' fis'}\\{d'4.~} >> |
          << {e'4.~-"2-5"}\\{d'8 c'16-2 b a-2 g} >> |
          << {e'8 d'16 c'-5 b a-3}\\{a4.~} >> |
          << {b4.~}\\{a16 g-1 b-5 a g fis} >> |
          << {b16 a-1 c'-2 b a-2 g}\\{g8-3 g'4~} >> |
          << {a8-"2-1" a'4~}\\{g'8-"5-4" fis'16 e' d' c'-2} >> |
          << {a'8 g'16-3 fis' e' d'-2}\\{b16 d'-2 g'-3 a' bes'8~} >> |
          << {cis'16 e'-2 a'-3 b' c''8~}\\{bes'8 a'16-3 g' fis' e'-2} >> |
          << {c''8 b'16-4 a'-5 g' fis'}\\{d'4.~} >> |
          << {e'4.~-5}\\{d'16 cis'-3 b d' cis' b} >> |
          << {e'16 d' cis' e'-5 d'-5 cis'-4}\\{cis'16 b a g-1 fis-2 e} >> |
        \alternative {
          {<< {d'16 c' b a g  fis-1}\\{ fis8 r r} >> |  g''4.~-4  | }
          {<d' fis>4. | a''4.~-4  | }
        \repeat volta 2 {
          << { b''4.~}\\{ a''8 g''16 fis'' e'' d''-2} >> |
          << {b''8 a''16 g''-5 fis'' e''-5}\\{cis''8 c''4~} >> |
          << {dis''8 d''4~-5}\\{c''8 b'16-2 a' gis'-3 fis'} >> |
          << {d''8 c''16-4 b'-5 a' g'-5}\\{e'4.~} >> |
          << {fis'4.~-"4-5"}\\{e'16 dis'-3 cis' e' dis' cis'} >> |
          <fis' dis'>16 <e' cis'> <dis' b> <fis' a> <e' g> <dis'-3 fis> |
          << {e'16-5 d' c' b a gis-2}\\{g8-1 r r} >> |
          << {a8-1 r r}\\{c'4.~-4} >> |
          << {d'4.~}\\{c'16 a-2 b g b-2 d'} >> |
          << {d'16 b c' a c'-2 e'}\\{e'4.~} >> |
          << {fis'4.~}\\{e'16 cis' d' b d'-2 fis'} >> |
          << {fis'16 dis' e' c' e'-2 g'}\\{g'4.~} >> |
          << {a'4.~}\\{g'16 fis' e' g' fis' e'} >> |
          <a' fis'>16 <g' e'> <fis' d'> <a' c'-2> <g' b> <fis'-3 a> |
        \alternative {
          {<< {g'16-5 fis' e' d' c'  b}\\{ g8 r r} >> |  a''4.~-4  | }
          {<g' b>4. | }
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        \time 3/8
        g,16-3 fis, g, a, b, g,-5 \bar "|:" % 1
        \repeat volta 2 {
           d16-2 c d e fis-2 d |
          g16 fis e fis g e-4 |
          a16 g fis g a fis-4 |
          b16 a g a b g-4 |
          c'16 b a g-1 fis e |
          fis16 e fis d e fis |
          g16 e d-1 c b, a, |
          g,16 fis-2 e-1 d c b, |
          cis16 a, d e fis-2 d |
          g16 fis e fis g e-4 |
          a16 g fis g a fis-4 |
          b16 a g a b a |
          gis8-1 gis, r |
          a,8 a,, r |
        \alternative {
          {d,8 d16 c b, a,-4 | << {g,16 fis,-4 g, a, b, g,}\\{g8 r r } >> | }
          {d,8-5 fis, a, | d16 cis-3 d e fis-2 d  | }
        \repeat volta 2 {
           g16 fis e fis g e-5 |
          a16 g fis g a fis-4 |
          b16 a gis a b gis-4 |
          c'16 b a b c' b |
          ais8-1 ais, r |
          b,8 b,, r |
          e,8 e16 d c b, |
          a,16 c e g fis e |
          fis8 g, r |
          g8 a, r |
          a8 b, r |
          b8 c r |
          cis8 cis, cis-2 |
          d8 d, d |
        \alternative {
          {g,8 g16 fis-3 e g-2 | << {fis16 e d e fis d}\\{a8 r r } >> | }
          {g,8 d e | }

\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats \music
  \midi { }


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