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Re: latex with PNG images using lilypond-book?

From: Francisco Vila
Subject: Re: latex with PNG images using lilypond-book?
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 07:53:48 +0200

2013/4/30 Kevin Patrick Barry <address@hidden>:
> Dear Francisco,
> I'm not sure I understand what you want; is it that you want to know how to
> include PNG images in a latex document?  The --png option in lilypond will
> produce png images and they can be included in latex using the graphicx
> package and \includegraphics{}.  Is that what you want?

No; sorry if I was unclear.

The lilypond-book tool makes easy to include lilypond music in latex,
texinfo and HTML documents. Whay you write is the music directly into
the latex document, in a \begin{lilypond} ... \end{lilypond} block.
Then, lilypond-book preprocesses this and generates EPS images and
another document which has the EPS files included as images. The
documentation says you can generate PDF images and PNG bitmaps as
well. So far, so good.

The problem is, I know lilypond-book can produce PNG images for HTML,
EPS images for latex, and PDF images for pdflatex, but what I'd like
is to automatically generate PNGs __for latex__ for including via
\includegraphics{} as you said, but (obviously) without losing the
lilypond-book funcionality, which --as we know-- is to include
lilypond music in your document as lilypond code, preprocess it, and
generate another document with the images of music in it.

Thanks. I suspect I am missing something obvious here.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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