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Potential Bug

From: Joshua Nichols
Subject: Potential Bug
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 00:09:23 -0500

In my data entry, I found my output coming out screwey... So I went back and double/triple/quadruple checked for mistakes, trying to get this thing to work... and I might have encountered a bug.

Here's the original file:
\version "2.16.2"

#(set! paper-alist (cons '("Hymn" . (cons (* 6.25 in) (* 9.25 in))) paper-alist))

\paper {

#(set-paper-size "Hymn")

#(layout-set-staff-size 17)


\header {

title = "Men, Rest Your Souls"

subtitle = "ANNA"

composer = "Music and Lyrics by Joshua Nichols"

copyright = "©2012, 2013, Joshua Nichols. All Rights Reserved."


global = {

\time 4/4

\key e \major


sopRefrainNotes = \relative c'' {


\partial 4*1



e e e fis8 gis | %1

a4 fis gis b | %2

cis b8 a gis4 e | %3

fis2. gis4 | %4


sopVerseNotes = \relative c'' {



b b b b | %5

e4. cis8 b4 gis | %6

e fis8 gis a4 gis | %7

fis2 e4 s4 \bar "|." %8


altRefrainNotes = \relative c' {




b cis dis cis | %1

b dis e e | %2

e e cis cis | %3

e2 dis8 cis b4 | %4


altVerseNotes = \relative c' {



e dis e8 fis gis4 | %5

fis2 e4 e | %6

dis8 cis cis b cis4 cis8 dis | %7

e4 dis e s4 \bar "|."


tenRefrainNotes = \relative c' {




gis a b a | %1

b b b b | %2

a b a ais | %3

b2. a4 | %4


tenVerseNotes = c' {



gis a gis b | %5

cis dis b b | %6

gis a8 gis a4 fis | %7

fis8 gis a4 gis s4 \bar "|."


basRefrainNotes = \relative c {




e fis gis fis |

dis b e gis |

a gis8 fis e4 fis |

b,2. dis4 |


basVerseNotes = \relative c {



e fis gis e |

a2 gis4 e8 dis |

cis4 dis8 e fis4 ais,

b2 e4 s4 \bar "|."


refrainLyrics = \lyricmode {

Men rest your souls on _ God's right hand,

who so -- v'rign -- ly has or -- dained, that


verseLyricsOne = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "1."

Man, Who's help -- less will is lost,

be saved by re -- sist -- less gra -- ce.


verseLyricsTwo = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "2."

Slaves, who served both Man and things, be part of a roy -- al bond -- age.


verseLyricsThree = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "3."

marr -- iage, shamed by fruit for -- bidd'n, re -- turn to _ Love un -- sha -- ken.


verseLyricsFour = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "4."

true love, rich in e -- v'ry way ough, per -- sist to no true end -- ing.


verseLyricsFive = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "5."

Christ, the sit -- ting Priest on High, would die for the sins of an -- y?


verseLyricsSix = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "6."

fi -- nite men, through blood stained brows, have in -- fin -- ite fa -- vor ever -- more.


\score {


\new Staff = "top" { \clef treble

<< \new Voice = "sopRef" { \sopRefrainNotes } \new Voice = "altRef" { \altRefrainNotes } >>

<< \new Voice = "sopVrs" { \sopVerseNotes } \new Voice = "altVrs" { \altVerseNotes } >>


\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopRef" { \refrainLyrics }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsOne }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsTwo }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsThree }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsFour }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsFive }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsSix }

\new Staff = "bottom" { \clef bass

<< \new Voice = "tenRef" { \tenRefrainNotes } \new Voice = "basRef" { \basRefrainNotes } >>

<< \new Voice = "tenVrs" { \tenVerseNotes } \new Voice = "basVrs" { \basVerseNotes } >>


>> }

\layout {

indent = 0.0\cm

\context {


\remove "Bar_number_engraver"



\midi { }

the error occurs (try expediting first) at the beginning of the verses in the tenor:

160:31: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns

<< \new Voice = "tenVrs" {

\tenVerseNotes } \new Voice = "basVrs" { \basVerseNotes } >>

I can't get this thing to fix. I've tried force breaking the lines, and I keep getting this seemingly "random" 'c' in the tenor with the error. When I go to check the error, it leads to that note, and it is not in the tenor part anywhere.

I think this might be a bug?!? I'm not an expert, so if someone has an alternate suggestion for fixing this problem, let me know.



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