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Re: Drawing a hexagon with a number inside

From: Rachael Thomas Carlson
Subject: Re: Drawing a hexagon with a number inside
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:44:26 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130804 Thunderbird/17.0.8

Hello David:

Thanks for the help.

Those are not actually proper hexagons, so they are pretty easy to draw
using something like

\markup \path #0.25 #'((moveto 3 0)
                        (lineto 1 2)
                        (lineto -1 2)
                        (lineto -3 0)
                        (lineto -1 -2)
                        (lineto 1 -2)

There needs to be scaling and matching to the content as well, of course.

here is what I came up with from your recommendation:

\markup { \override #'(font-name . "Arial")
    \center-column {
\path #0.1 #'((moveto 0.9 0)
                       (lineto 0.4 0.7)
                       (lineto -0.4 0.7)
                       (lineto -0.9 0)
                       (lineto -0.4 -0.7)
                       (lineto 0.4 -0.7)
\override #'(font-size . -4)
\halign #CENTER
\raise #-0.5

I hate to use Arial but the publishing house that I am emulating uses only proprietary fonts.

Thank you for the help!


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