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Strange font in \markup {} with \Dynamics ?

From: steve
Subject: Strange font in \markup {} with \Dynamics ?
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:59:00 -0400
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.19


       I am fixing up one of my transcriptions for 2 guitars by centering
some dynamics between
the staves.

      Seems to work fine except when I want to combine  \dynamic with
text.. I can't the font to work correctly

         see bar 18 - 19

   bar 19 is done with

        < b\harmonic >4  _\markup { \dynamic p \italic \tiny "sempre." } b
~ |

      in guitarone

       To centre this between the staves I am trying to use \Dynamic like

psempredyn = \markup {
            \hspace #12
            \dynamic p
            \hspace #1

psempre = #(make-dynamic-script psempredyn)

dynamics = {
    s4\p s4
    \repeat unfold 2 { s4 s4 }
    \repeat unfold 6 { s4 s4 }
    s4 \> s4  %10
    s4\! s4
    \repeat unfold 6 { s4 s4 }
    s4\psempre s4

\score {
        \new StaffGroup \with {
            \override StaffGrouper #'staff-staff-spacing =
                #'((basic-distance . 14)
                   (minimum-distance . 10)
                   (padding . 4))
            \new Staff << \global \guitarone  >>
            \new Dynamics \dynamics
            \new Staff << \global \guitartwo >>

        \layout { }

        \global is simply

global = {
        \clef "G_8"
        \key e \major
        \time 2/4

         Why do I get that weird font instead of \italic ? Doesn't matter
what I
change to font to, it is always the same.. fontsize works and hspace work


       thanx - steve

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