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Re: lilypond teaching material

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: lilypond teaching material
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2015 11:54:22 +0200
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Am 16.09.2015 um 11:49 schrieb BB:
> I just read
> (again). I find that is a good basis for such an introduction, but I
> think it needs some beef up to become more entertaining than lecturing.
> But I actually do not have an idea how to manage that? In my opinion
> there are much more instructive examples and exercises for reinforcement
> learning needed.

Well, recently I started an initiative for a "book" on LilyPond etc.,
which is located at
It came to a stop because I switched to a new server, but now that I've
(nearly) managed to do that I'll get back to this and will soon ask for

One thing I want to have in that collection of resources is an
introduction to the toolchain that is explicitly written from the
perspective of users who are accustomed to Finale and the like.
Something like: "Your are used to have one GUI for entering scores, then
export image files or whatever that you then include in
Word/InDesign/... documents. With LilyPond you will have ... and need
..., and this will work together like ..."


> On 16.09.2015 11:24, Urs Liska wrote:
>> Am 16.09.2015 um 11:14 schrieb BB:
>>> Obviously the Lilypond users are overaged?
>> I very much hope that our recent "inofficial survey" is biased for
>> whatever reasons. But I admit this impression is very strong.
>>> Is there a kind of "curriculum", eventually with Open Office overhead
>>> slides ready to use for an introductory training on an adult education
>>> center (in Germany Volkshochschule (VHS)) available.
>> Not that I know of, but it's a good idea, and I've had the wish to start
>> compiling such material for quite a long time. Unfortunately that
>> probably won't happen without a concrete opportunity.
>>> May be some
>>> skilled users ma offer such an itroduction to raise lilyponds
>>> popularity? Usually there are offered weekend workshops or courses
>>> regular an evening per week for people in work. Eventually it might be
>>> used in music education on schools?
>> Good idea.
>> I know that in some universities there are people offering LilyPond
>> courses, with mixed result/acceptance. But it definitely should be much
>> more, and I think people should get hooked to text based tools as early
>> as possible, before they are too much tied to their shiny clickediclick
>> tools.
>> Urs
>>> Regards
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