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Re: Text centralized above a TextSpan

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: Text centralized above a TextSpan
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 00:28:13 +0200
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On 19.09.2015 22:48, David Kastrup wrote:
However, (re-)using engravers for the "picking apart" bit in a context
without its own vertical axis group might be an interesting option.
Want several text spanners?  Use several contexts.

This reminds me: the ‘standard’ use case for this kind of text spanner is ri -- tar -- dan -- do or the like, i.e. actually a Tempo Spanner <>. It would make sense to have this in a separate context (TempoLine?) at the top of the system. However, as I already said in the issue, tempo spanners should correspond to MetronomeMarks in syntax, so this would require complete abandoning of the current \tempo syntax, wouldn’t it? Alternatively, we might retain the current method as is and add a new one with support for tempo spanners, entered in a manner alike to lyrics entering:

timeTrack = {
  \time 3/4
  \bar "||"
  \time 2/2
  ral2 -- len --
  tan -- do
  \bar "|."
music = \relative {
  c'4 e8 g c4
  e,2 fis4 gis
  a2 e
  c e4 c

  a2 a'4 g
  f2 g
  a h

\score {
    \new TempoLine \timeTrack
    \new Staff \music

Which looks promising, if you ask me…

Yours, Simon

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