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Re Position of rests in cue notes (Peter Gentry)

From: Peter Gentry
Subject: Re Position of rests in cue notes (Peter Gentry)
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 18:13:23 -0000

Brian Barker has supplied the solution.

That is replace say r8 by b8\rest in the set of cue notes - see   a8. (  [  g16 
]  r8 )  b8\rest  |  % 3 - I have left on r8 to
illustrate the problem.

It's a bit of a fag to change all the rest in the cueNotes files as I have (5 * 
4) 20 files one for each part and each movement.

\version "2.19.25"

cueNotes= \relative c' { 
 f8-. bes8-. (  d8-. bes8-. )   |  % 2
 a8. (  [  g16 ]  r8 )  b8\rest  |  % 3
 f8-. es'8-. (  c8-. a8-. )   |  % 4
 bes16 (  [  c32 bes32 ]  a32 [  bes32 c16 ]  d8 )  f8\mp (   |  % 5
 g8 )  es8 (  f8 )  d8 (   |  % 6
 es8 )  c8 (  d8 )  bes8 (   |  % 7
 a8\< )  a8\! r16 (  [  g16 f16 r16 )  ]   |  % 8
\addQuote "cueNotes" { \cueNotes }
\relative c' {
\set Score.midiInstrument = "flute"
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
 \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
 \accidentalStyle "modern-voice-cautionary"
 \clef "treble"
 \key bes\major
 \time 2/4
 \tempo "Andante con moto"4=69
 \new CueVoice \with {
 \cueDuring #"cueNotes"  #UP 
 {\set Score.skipBars = ##t s1*6/8*4 }  
  d8\p r8  r8  d8  |  % 2
  es8 r8  r8  es8  |  % 3
  c8 r8  r8  c8  |  % 4

Peter Gentry 

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