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Re: Starting with Lilypond - First Error

From: Jeffery Shivers
Subject: Re: Starting with Lilypond - First Error
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 17:39:52 -0400

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 5:31 PM, Ralph Fröhlich <address@hidden> wrote:
> From commandline lilypond compiles without any error
> It seams to be an error between Mediawiki-Extension:Score and Lilypond and
> not Lilypond and
> Thank you

Great -

Please `reply-all` in the future, by the way (lilypond-user should be
included as a minimum, unless / until the discussion sprouts into a
private / tangential matter)

> Am 13.03.2017 um 22:23 schrieb Jeffery Shivers:
> On Mar 13, 2017 5:16 PM, "Ralph Fröhlich" <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Thank you, I have updatet to 2.19.49 but get the same issue.
>> On the server everything is fine and compilation is korrekt.
> Have you tried with Michael's suggestion though? Does the same thing happen
> with just
> 'lilypond'
> Or whatever name it actually is, since there seems to be some inconsistency
> about that..
> Maybe create a new file which jonly* contains verbatim what you posted in
> the original message here, and then, from the command line, 'lilypond
> What happens then?
>> Am 13.03.2017 um 22:00 schrieb Jeffery Shivers:
>>> I can't replicate the errors you're getting with the latest stable
>>> version.
>>> Do you have the option to upgrade to (or install additionally, for
>>> testing at least) 2.18.2? If not, try it on lilybin
>>> (
>>> The error message points pretty clearly to the lines where these
>>> problems supposedly are, but what you have actually seems correct
>>> (syntactically
>>> at least) from a first glance.
>>> 2017-03-13 12:44 GMT-04:00 Scoutladen - Ralph Fröhlich
>>> <address@hidden>:
>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>> I try to use Lilypond in our Mediawiki for collection songs for group of
>>>> children (like boyscouts...).
>>>> Try to set up the first song with a given .ly I get the first errors.
>>>> The
>>>> code of seams to be correct, and I try to google for the
>>>> error-messages. But I didn't find any help
>>>> If you have anny idea?
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Ralph
>>>> Errors
>>>> Processing `.../'
>>>> Parsing...
>>>> .../ error: Spurious expression in \score
>>>> #(set-global-staff-size 14)
>>>> .../ error: unrecognized string, not in text script or
>>>> \lyricmode
>>>> akkordea = \chordmode {
>>>> .../ error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}'
>>>> akkordea
>>>>           = \chordmode {
>>>> .../ error: unknown escaped string: `\akkordea'
>>>>      \new ChordNames {
>>>>                        \akkordea }
>>>> .../ error: unrecognized string, not in text script or
>>>> \lyricmode
>>>>      \new ChordNames {
>>>>                        \akkordea }
>>>> .../ error: syntax error, unexpected '}'
>>>>                          }
>>>> fatal error: failed files: ".../"
>>>> exited with status: 1
>>>> % Dieses Notenblatt wurde erstellt von Peter Crighton
>>>> []
>>>> %
>>>> % Kontakt: address@hidden
>>>> %
>>>> % geringfügige Änderungen von Hauke Rehr
>>>> \version "2.12.3"
>>>> \header {
>>>>    title = "Die Affen rasen durch den Wald"
>>>>    poet = "Text und Melodie: Volksweise"
>>>>    copyright = "Gemeinfrei. Kann beliebig vervielfältigt und
>>>> weitergegeben
>>>> werden."
>>>>    tagline = ""
>>>> }
>>>> #(set-global-staff-size 14)
>>>> akkordea = \chordmode {
>>>>    s8
>>>>    % \repeat unfold 4 { c2 a2:m } ?
>>>>    c2 a2:m
>>>>    c2 a2:m
>>>>    c2 a2:m
>>>>    c2 a2:m
>>>>    g1:7
>>>>    c2 c2:7
>>>>    f1
>>>>    c1
>>>>    g1
>>>>    c1
>>>>    c1*7/8
>>>> }
>>>> strophe = \relative c' {
>>>>    \partial 8 a'8 | g4 g4 a4 a4 | g4 g8 a4 r8 r a8  | g4 g4 a4 a4 |
>>>>    g4 g8 a4 e8 f8 fis8 | g4 g4 g4 g4  | c,2 r8 c'8 c a|
>>>>    \repeat volta 2
>>>>    { c4 c8 c4 c8 c a | c4 c8 c4 e,8 f fis | g4 g4 g4 g4}
>>>>    \alternative {
>>>>      { c4( a8 c4) c8 c a  }
>>>>      { c,2 r4 r8 }
>>>>    }
>>>>    \bar "|."
>>>> }
>>>> text = \lyricmode {
>>>>    \set stanza = "1."
>>>>     Die Af -- fen ra -- sen durch den Wald,
>>>>     der ei -- ne macht den an -- der’n kalt,
>>>>     die gan -- ze Af -- fen -- ban -- de brüllt:
>>>>     „Wo ist die Ko -- kos -- nuss, wo ist die Ko -- kos -- nuss,
>>>>     wer hat die Ko -- kos -- nuss  ge -- klaut?__ Wo ist die
>>>>     klaut?“
>>>> }
>>>> \score {
>>>>    <<
>>>>      \new ChordNames { \akkordea }
>>>>      \new Voice = "Lied" {
>>>>        \clef "treble"
>>>>        \time 4/4
>>>>        \key c\major
>>>>        \autoBeamOff
>>>>        \strophe
>>>>      }
>>>>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Lied" { \text }
>>>>    >>
>>>> }
>>>>   \markup {
>>>>     \fill-line { \line {
>>>>       \hspace #0.1
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "2."
>>>>           \column {
>>>>         "Die Affenmama sitzt am Fluss"
>>>>         "und angelt nach der Kokosnuss."
>>>>         "Die ganze Affenbande brüllt:"
>>>>         "|: „Wo ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "wo ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "wer hat die Kokosnuss geklaut?“ :|"
>>>>       }
>>>>         }
>>>>         \hspace #0.1
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "3."
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         "Der Affenonkel, welch ein Graus,"
>>>>         "reißt alle Urwaldbäume aus."
>>>>         "Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: …"
>>>>           }
>>>>         }
>>>>         \hspace #0.1
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "4."
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         "Die Affentante kommt von fern,"
>>>>         "sie isst die Kokosnuss so gern."
>>>>         "Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: …"
>>>>       }
>>>>         }
>>>>         \hspace #0.1
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "5."
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         "Der Affenmilchmann, dieser Knilch,"
>>>>         "er wartet auf die Kokosmilch."
>>>>         "Die ganze Affenbande brüllt: …"
>>>>       }
>>>>         }
>>>>       }
>>>>       \line {" "}
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "6."
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         "Das Affenbaby, voll Genuss,"
>>>>         "hält in der Hand die Kokosnuss"
>>>>         "Die ganze Affenbande brüllt:"
>>>>         "|: „Da ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "da ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "es hat die Kokosnuss geklaut!“ :|"
>>>>       }
>>>>         }
>>>>         \hspace #0.1
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "7."
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         "Die Affenoma schreit: „Hurra!"
>>>>         "Die Kokosnuss ist wieder da!“"
>>>>         "Die ganze Affenbande brüllt:"
>>>>         "|: „Da ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "da ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "es hat die Kokosnuss geklaut!“ :|"
>>>>       }
>>>>         }
>>>>         \hspace #0.1
>>>>         \line {
>>>>       \bold "8."
>>>>       \column {
>>>>         "Und die Moral von der Geschicht’:"
>>>>         "Klaut keine Kokosnüsse nicht,"
>>>>         "weil sonst die ganze Bande brüllt:"
>>>>         "|: „Wo ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "wo ist die Kokosnuss,"
>>>>         "wer hat die Kokosnuss geklaut?“ :|"
>>>>       }
>>>>         }
>>>>       }
>>>>     } }
>>>>   }
>>>>   % some settings % vim: sw=2 et
>>>> --
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>>>> _________________________________________________
>>>> Scoutladen
>>>> Ralph Fröhlich
>>>> Weingartenstr. 35
>>>> 77654 Offenburg
>>>> Tel. 0781 9483517
>>>> Fax. 0781 9483518
>>>> address@hidden
>>>> UstId: DE238956415
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Jeffery Shivers

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