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Double Bar with Grace Notes Problem

From: Bill Kone
Subject: Double Bar with Grace Notes Problem
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 01:36:34 -0400

I have a lot of concert/marching band music some of which is old hand written manuscript. From time-to-time  I try to transcribe the hand-written manuscript to a much more readable  product.

Generally I do each instrument then combine them into a score.


The problem is, in this case as shown in the sample below and attached image, that a double bar before the grace notes, on the clarinet 1 and 2  seems to cause a separate bar line, which also increments the measure counter, but only on the score.


Below is an extraction as a two staff script (the same as when each independent part is combined into a score). Each part needs to have the same bar markings so I can’t just leave the double bar out on a couple of parts.


In this case I just took the double bars out completely from all the parts but I am still wondering if it is my ignorance or what seems to me to be a bug.


In the attached script, by commenting out the double bar in the clarinet2 staff the problem goes away on the conductor’s score but of course now the clarinet2 part has a missing double bar.


I tried creating a variable defined as:  dblbar= { \bar “||” } then on the conductor score defined it as: dlbar = {} for all but the top line of the conductor’s score in this case the flute. I believe it might work but made management more difficult for something that I figured I was doing wrong.

Any thoughts?


See also attached image


\version "2.18.2"



  \new GrandStaff <<


    \new Staff = "Clarinet1"


      \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Clar1"

      \time 3/4

      g''8 r8 g8 r8 r4 |

      \bar "||"

      \grace {g'16 ( b'16} d''8 )

      r8\grace {g'16 ( b'16} d''8 ) r8 r4 |




    \new Staff = "clarinet2"


      \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Clar2 }

      \time 3/4

      g''8 r8 g8 r8 r4 |


      % -- If I comment out this bar formats OK

      \bar "||"

      % ------------------------------


      d''8 r8 d''8 r8 r4 |





Attachment: Lilypond double bar problem.png
Description: PNG image

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