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Re[4]: [lmi] first version of multi dimensional data editor control chec

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re[4]: [lmi] first version of multi dimensional data editor control checked in
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 23:15:05 +0100

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006 11:15:20 -0500 "Boutin, Wendy" <address@hidden> wrote:

BW> > the axis (or dimensions) used are determined by the program logic.
BW> > But, of course, nothing prevents the programmer from using different
BW> > axis for different products.
BW> Are you saying that we are to control that logic in lmi?

 Yes, I think so. Just to be totally clear: the MDGrid is _just_ the grid
part of the control. It's completely generic and quite independent of lmi
and so can be developed, tested and so on independently. Now, of course,
the entire product editor is very lmi-specific and will be implemented on
top of MDGrid and will deal with changing the axis in accordance with the
item chosen in the tree.

BW> I think there's just one variable that varies across all axes in the 
BW> current prototype, but we really need to be able to change the 
BW> dimensionality of the axes. Almost all of our data varies on fewer 
BW> than all axes, usually three or four of the seven available, but 
BW> there's no way to limit the axes that shouldn't vary.

 I still have the impression that I don't understand what do you mean :-(
You can select the axis in the prototype and you can also select the set of
values for one of them ("strike", by choosing the min and max values --
this is equivalent of "duration" in lmi product editor). What exactly is

BW> >  No, there are no popup dialogs but, AFAICS, none are needed.Unless I'm
BW> > missing something in turn?
BW> I got that impression from Greg's email here
BW>   http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/lmi/2005-08/msg00039.html
BW> which discusses the popup dialog. 

 I've just reread it but I still don't manage to see what are we missing
right now. Could you please give an example of what should be possible but
is not (in the current prototype)?

 Thanks in advance!

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