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RE: [lmi] product editor feedback

From: Boutin, Wendy
Subject: RE: [lmi] product editor feedback
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 16:49:35 -0400

Evgeniy Tarassov wrote:
> On 3/2/07, Wendy Boutin <address@hidden> wrote:
> Wendy, thank you very much for the detailed report on the changes!
> Below are notes for some of the issues you have pointed out. The
> issues not yet fixed are omitted.
> > database
> >  - legend at top is in a large font, causing text 
> truncation (tier, too)
> Font is set to be bold normal size. 

There's consensus here that the right number of distinct fonts 
for a dialog is one. We've avoided boldface everywhere else, and 
would rather avoid it here, too.

In the legacy system, we wrapped instead of truncating. Example:
  Mortality | SubstdTblMult

Putting it this way:

(1) "Do you like wrapping better than trunca"

(2) "Do you like wrapping better than

> The legend is set to have a
> tooltip which should be shown as a normal tooltip. Legend text could
> be (still) truncated if it is long enough. do you think that it is
> critical to have legend not truncated, or maybe a tooltip is enough to
> let the user get the whole description if he needs it?

We'd like to avoid using tooltips.
> >  - why the extra '[+]' in top level node descriptions?
> What do you think would be the best way to emphasize the fact that the
> currently selected item in the tree (on the left) is a "category"? Now
> after you have pointed it out I think that maybe its not even needed
> since for a category everything is grayed out. The prefix "[+]" is
> removed.

That looks much better. Thank you.

> >  - checkboxes *look* enabled when top level node is selected
> This is a bug in WX. As soon as the corresponding path makes it into
> wx HEAD it will be available.

Upgrading wx may be out of our immediate scope right now because of
other work that still remains. There's a suggestion below that may
help solve this particular problem. I'm not ruling out a wx upgrade,
but if we can avoid adding that right now, than that's better for us.
> >  - can floating-point formats be changed?
> >      database seems to use a six-digit default, but tier does not
> Changed to value_cast default behavior.

I observe the change, however I have difficulty inputting the largest
number. I tried to paste the largest value in a field, but when I save
it, then reopen it, I get this messagebox:

Assertion '(.999 * DBL_MAX) < limits_.back()' failed.
[file c:/opt/lmi/src/lmi/stratified_charges.cpp, line 133]


> >  - insufficient space for UWBasis values as column or row headers
> A patch was committed into WX so this should not be a problem with the
> latest WX.
> >  - using 'Loads | PremTaxRate' and changing:
> >      'X axis' to [blank]
> >      'Y axis' to 'State'
> >     should save the change after navigating to another 
> field, but doesn't;
> >     'File | Save' doesn't save the change either
> >     similar fields behave the same way
> Fixed. Now navigating back to the same field restores its axis
> selection. About saving axis selection: AFAIK it is not stored along
> with the document data (is it?) in the file. 

It should not be saved in the file.

> The axis selection is a
> property of the current view (presenting the data), not the data
> itself. It could be added into the file, but it will mix the data with
> its visual representation, personally, i don't think it is right. Do
> you think it should be done nevertheless? 

We agree: it's not right to add this to the file.

> Currently when a user opens
> a "session" (opening a window in the program, which shows the data)
> the selection will persist, but as soon as the "session" is over (the
> window is closed), the selection is gone.

Then is it the case that there's no way to save the selections? I don't
like that I can change my axes, save the file, reopen it and see the axes 
rearranged in the order that they're listed in the GUI. 

> >  - all top level nodes should have values of zero
> >     e.g., loading a proprietary product displayed 'PremTaxTable' value
> > in 'Tables' grid
> I think one of the changes done to the code should have fixed this
> issue already. I can't reproduce this behavior, but if it ever
> occurred before it should be now impossible (due to the code changes
> made).

I am using cvs HEAD code as of today and can still observe my original
problem with a proprietary product. It would be better not to show 
anything except the legend for non-leaf nodes. That might also obviate 
the issue (above) of axis-checkbox enablement. (Maybe that's part of the 
reason why ihs works this way.)
> >  - occasionally encountered this problem, but more consistently with a
> >     proprietary product:
> > File | Open | sample.db4
> >
> > ---------------------------
> > Error
> > ---------------------------
> > Trying to index database item with key 66677016 past end of data.
> > [file c:/opt/lmi/src/lmi/ihs_dbvalue.cpp, line 337]
> Fixed this issue. The top level nodes now are not used at all, which
> seemed to cause problems before. This should not have any impact on
> the visual part of the program.

Hmm, using my same steps as above, I now get this messagebox: 

Assertion 'a_idx[j] < axis_lengths[j]' failed.
[file c:/opt/lmi/src/lmi/ihs_dbvalue.cpp, line 325]

> > tier
> >  - can DBL_MAX be formatted as, say, "MAXIMUM"?
> Yes. It should be easy to implement. What do you think should be
> accepted from the user as the keyword? Does it has to be "MAXIMUM"
> only? Case (in)sensitive? Should it accept an abbreviation like "MAX"?

I think Greg has better insight with this one, so I'll defer your
questions to him.

> > File | New | Tier
> > File | Save as | ABC.tir
> > results in this:
> >
> > ---------------------------
> > Stop the current operation and attempt to resume safely?
> > ---------------------------
> > Assertion '(.999 * DBL_MAX) < limits_.back()' failed.
> > [file c:/opt/lmi/src/lmi/stratified_charges.cpp, line 139]
> Fixed. The cause is the same as for the database part - top level
> nodes can not be manipulated.

I can still reproduce it with cvs HEAD. Is it possible your fixes
are in separate patches that Greg's reviewing or maybe a different
branch that I should be using?

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