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Re: [lmi] Compiling takes longer with gcc-4.9.2

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Compiling takes longer with gcc-4.9.2
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 15:46:37 +0100

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 05:48:52 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> > or to stop compiling under MSW entirely and cross-compile
GC> > from Linux instead. I'd expect this to give results similar to the native
GC> > MinGW builds.
GC> Have you tried that yourself? I haven't yet--I'm on vacation the rest
GC> of December. I have no doubt that it'll work; I just wonder how fast
GC> it will be.

 Actually I have a question about _how_ will it work exactly: the simplest
way is definitely to just use autoconf, but it doesn't have all the
non-standard make targets such as check_physical_closure, so I would
presumably have to add them to Makefile.am too? Alternatively, I could try
to make the lmi build system work from Linux which should be possible too,
in principle, and I guess you'd prefer to use it?

 The other question is about comparing the results. I'm running the (MSW)
VM on a MSW host as well and I can't meaningfully compare its performance
with that of the cross-compiler on a different physical machine. So I need
to actually set up the VM on the Linux machine first, and then test
cross-compiling -- and this is what I am doing right now.


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