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one minor Lout white-space mystery solved....

From: Greg A. Woods
Subject: one minor Lout white-space mystery solved....
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96 09:54:23 -0500 (EST)

Well, I've just solved one minor mystery having to do with the handling
of vertical spacing in displays.

The following (tested! ;-) example should show my discovery (strip the
leading TAB from each line):

        def @MyAddress {
        My Full Name
        Suite "#"9999
        12345 A Long Avenue
        Big City, Province
        Canada  L0L 0L0

        def @MyPhoneNumber {
        +1 800 555-1212

        @SysInclude { doc }

                @InitialFont    { Times Base 10p }
        @Text @Begin

The following, if it appears directly after the "@Text @Begin" line,
will result in the phone number being squished up against the bottom of
the address in some/all circumstances:

        @CD clines @Break {

However this example will work fine:

        @CD clines @Break {
        0.1v @High { }

What's really weird is this also works:

        @CD clines @Break {
        # two lines of
        # comments

What appears to be happening is that comments are being collapsed into
the equivalent of a newline, and thus still have an effect on the output.

And, of course, this leads me back to wondering why the first example
isn't printed exactly the same as

        @CD clines @Break {
        My Full Name
        Suite "#"9999
        12345 A Long Avenue
        Big City, Province
        Canada  L0L 0L0
        +1 800 555-1212

Is it because when the definitions are created, there's no proper
setting of the line spacing?  If so, why are the lines in each
definition properly spaced, but only the last (or first) line not
accompanied by "enough" space?

                                                        Greg A. Woods

+1 416 443-1734                 VE3TCP                  robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. <address@hidden>; Secrets of the Weird <address@hidden>

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