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Re: NetBSD pkg, PDF links, and break styles

From: Valeriy E. Ushakov
Subject: Re: NetBSD pkg, PDF links, and break styles
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 02:50:51 +0300

On Mon, Nov 09, 1998 at 01:06:08PM -0600, Ty Sarna wrote:

> 1) I created a NetBSD (http://www.netbsd.org/) package of Lout 3.12, so
> hopefully lout will gain wider use within the NetBSD community.

Check list archive for a patch to the PDF backend bug (or mail me, and
I'll send it to you).

> 2) For my application, I took the WebLink code from the mailing list
> archives and modified it a bit, to make it more of a primitive (It now
> doesn't add any spacing, color changes, or underlining.  IMHO, that
> should be done as a higher level definition if you want it), and it
> works properly (for some value of properly) on other backends:
> This works great for generating PS and the distilling to PDF.  Of
> course, it does nothing when generating PDF directly.  Question is, can
> someone who is more knowledgeable of PDF fill in the PDF backend case,
> please? And could this be added to the next release? Thanks. 

I would preffer if pdfmark functionality was supported internally.  I
think @Graphic would be abused.  One reason is that with backend
support you'll have actual coordinates instead of to-be-computed xsize
and ysize.  While Acrobat can handle this, GhostScript ps2pdf is less
flexible.  I think I had a counter-example to abusing @Graphic, but I
can't find it right now, perhaphs it's on my office box.

> 3) Finally, I wish there was a break style like "lines", but that would
> wrap if the line was too long. That is, preserve my line breaks but add
> new ones if needed, rather than scaling the line (which looks bad).

Will ragged with explicit @LLP do in your particular case?
E.g. instead of

    @LP lines @Break {
    Aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph zero bottles of beer.
    Take one down, pass it around, Aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall.
    Aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph zero bottles of beer.
    Take one down, pass it around, Aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall.


    @LP ragged @Break {
    Aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph zero bottles of beer.
    @LLP Take one down, pass it around, aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall
    @LLP Aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall, Aleph zero bottles of beer.
    @LLP Take one down, pass it around, aleph zero bottles of beer on the wall

SY, Uwe
address@hidden                         |       Zu Grunde kommen
http://www.ptc.spbu.ru/~uwe/            |       Ist zu Grunde gehen

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