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Re: [Ltib] dbg.spec submission

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] dbg.spec submission
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 2009 11:44:12 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your submissions, to accept this (and other packages), you
need to:

1. Provide a diff for your changes to LTIB (spec file, packages.lkc and

2. Identify the location of the source/patches files referenced in your
spec files (you have done this for most of them).

3. Consolidate your overlapping packages into single per-topic patches,
state their origin and confirm they are distributable with a license
compatible with the package they patch.

1. can be handled by sending to this list as you have done (but I'd like
your changes to packages.lkc an pkg_map).

2. and 3. are normally handled by the GPP upload script (see: ).  I can upload for you
initially, but it would be better later on for you to upload directly.

Also it would be helpful to say a little about when/where you
might want to use these packages (for example why you needed them).

Note: please use either your company (if you like), Mike Gains or as the Vendor: in the spec file.

Regards, Stuart

Mike Goins wrote:
dbg is a C++ debug library.  Can be compiled out with no overhead.

Build and testing in ltib 8.1.2 (1.384.2.5)

Sorry for the two overlapping patches.


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