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Re: [lwip-devel] mem(p) allocator change request

From: Kaos
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] mem(p) allocator change request
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 12:43:27 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

address@hidden wrote:

but my question is what you mean with "externally
allocated pools"?

To be more precise, pools defined outside the memp module.

Dynamically or statically?

Statically to start with. The dynamic case implies a
system which has an allocator, and lwip assumes nothing.

Ah, right :)

Statically wouldn't change the current situation much.

It's really a not-so-big change, but it helps implementing
new protocols in a clean way. And it might facilitate
the dynamic adding, removal or restarting of (app layer)
protocols, which isn't possible now.

That's the reason why I started the discussion.


dynamically on the other hand would let the application use the space

when not

needed by lwIP, but then the mem allocator would have to be able to
tell the system when it needs a new pool.

This makes sense if lwip or parts of it are used
for a limited timespan.

I have a bit of both worlds here, depending on configuration..

I'll try to make it flexible enough to accomodate
future extensions and keep it simple at the same time.


And I'll just create a patch, to avoid a discussion
on tiny details. We'll address them later...



// Andreas

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