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RE: [lwip-devel] [task #7054] Clarification needed for variableinitializ

From: Bill Florac
Subject: RE: [lwip-devel] [task #7054] Clarification needed for variableinitialization
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:27:13 -0500

I'm not much of a player here but I'll toss in another point since it has not 
been mentioned. There are occasions where it is necessary to call an _init 
function to restore a process to the original (or working) condition. In these 
cases, it is one can not rely on the global bss initialization. It is therefore 
generally safer (but perhaps slower and takes more code space) to explicitly 
define them in the _init code. (perhaps this could be a #define like FORCE_INIT)
On a similar note, I think that _init routines should be just initialization. 
And, we should have separate _start/_stop routines to start/stop various 
processes. There will be exeptions I'm sure.  And, while we are it, if an _init 
routine requires that another process _init or _start is done before it is 
called, it should make this clear in the comments.
Bill Florac


From: address@hidden on behalf of Jonathan Larmour
Sent: Mon 7/30/2007 7:26 PM
To: Kieran Mansley; Jonathan Larmour; Simon Goldschmidt; Frédéric Bernon; David 
Empson; address@hidden
Subject: [lwip-devel] [task #7054] Clarification needed for 

Follow-up Comment #16, task #7054 (project lwip):

Ah yes Frédéric, good point!


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