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Re: RE : [lwip-users] managing storage problems.

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: RE : [lwip-users] managing storage problems.
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:48:47 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Frédéric BERNON schrieb:
This is a lwIP problem: you should never got a full mbox, due to the lwIP design. But, 
mainly, when a mbox is full, this is the netconn::recvmbox, or the tcpip.c::mbox (other 
mailboxes are used like "semaphores").
But I think that's a problem we could solve. As I understand it, it's not a problem for TCP because the recvmbox of TCP will never hold more data than the TCP receive window (it still could be a problem if data is coming in many small packets -> many pbufs on the recvmbox, but if data is coming in small packets, the application supposedly will have the time to process the data).

For UDP, this can be solved much like the TCP send way by having two limits
a) number of bytes in the recvmbox (like tcp_pcb->snd_buf) and
b) number of pbufs in the recvmbox (like tcp_pcb->snd_queuelen)

I think this is a common problem for UDP stacks (other stacks implement SO_RCVBUF, for example) and should be implemented in lwIP also.

The tcpip-mbox is a different thing, because it is very special to lwIP. I have code to stop filling the tcpip-mbox when it is too full (which disables my RX interrupt also). Then I get informed of the tcpip_thread when there is enough space again, so I can turn on RX interrupts again. This isn't very portable, but maybe just informing the app/driver about high-/low-water-mark could be a more general solution (to prevent having to modify the core code for this purpose).

Anyone else needing this except me and shai?

If you know the full mbox is always an UDP one, I think you can directly use 
netbuf_delete on the pointer you have to post. It's not a clean solution, but 
should work.
That's really not a clean solution since memp_free() doesn't check whether the pointer to be freed is a pool element (memory region is not checked), which could lead to bugs that are hard to locate if the tcpip mbox really gets full some time.


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