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Re: [lwip-users] sys_timeout firing too often.

From: Piero 74
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] sys_timeout firing too often.
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:55:09 +0200

2008/9/9 Nick Thomas <address@hidden>

Hi, Well I made some progress.
I added the array of task structs, and an array of struct sys_timeouts as
suggested to sys_arch.c. This has improved things immensely.
But, there is still an anomaly.

The first sys_timeout() call is done from the 'root' thread, which isn't
created by any of the task_create functions in sys_arch.c.
So, when sys_arch_timeouts() loops through to find the appropriate task
struct, it doesn't find one!

If i understood your problem.... see my sys_arch attached in the previous mail... 
The first call to sys_create_thread, will call sys_init if you didn't call it before!
I works in this way:
- create a first lwip task using sys_create_thread (so, sys_arch_timeout will be initialized)
- this task will initialize the stack (so, will start tcpip_thread) and will start other lwip threads


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