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lynx-dev LYNX: HELP! Widespread use of <BR><BR> instead of <P>

From: David Combs
Subject: lynx-dev LYNX: HELP! Widespread use of <BR><BR> instead of <P>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 18:50:38 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Subject: LYNX: HELP!  Widespread use of <BR><BR> instead of <P>

Anytime you see a lynx-displayed article that
shows what SEEMS to be paragraphs, but without
white space between on "paragraph" and the next,
please do a "\", and look for <BR><BR>.

You will find them -- LOTS of them.  Where placed?

Exactly where *you* would put a "<p>".

The result of these <BR><BR> things is something
resembling this:

> This is paragraph one.  Note how nice this paragraph
> is.  Ain't it wonderful!
> This is paragraph two.  Note how nice this paragraph
> is.  Ain't it wonderful!
> This is paragraph three.  Note how nice this paragraph
> is.  Ain't it wonderful!

Of course, what you'd *prefer* to see would be this:

> This is paragraph one.  Note how nice this paragraph
> is.  Ain't it wonderful!
> This is paragraph two.  Note how nice this paragraph
> is.  Ain't it wonderful!
> This is paragraph three.  Note how nice this paragraph
> is.  Ain't it wonderful!

And indeed that IS what Netscape shows!  It apparantely
treats a <BR><BR> as a <P>.


Of course doing that is "wrong" -- <BR> means "break",
and *nothing more* than that.

Pragmatically, however, we must realize that these <BR><BR>
things (for what should have been "<P>") are UBIQUITOUS.

I don't know what html-generating packages do this <BR><BR>
thing, but there sure a lot of pages with that out there.

Drives me crazy, since trying to *read* something produced
that way is very tiring on the eyes, without the white
space between paragraphs.


PROPOSAL: that lynx have an option that tells lynx to,
whenever it sees a "<BR><BR>", to pretend it just
saw a "<P>" instead.

Would sure make easier-to-read the stuff that *I* look at!



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