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Re: [Lynx-dev] Handling sites that don't send content-type (was: lynx wo

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] Handling sites that don't send content-type (was: lynx word bleeding?)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 19:59:06 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

On Wed, Feb 09, 2022 at 07:34:26PM -0500, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Chime,
> I am talking about the lynx build here.
> As Luke noted the lynx.cfg file is quite large and extensive, meaning your
> personal lynx.cfg file which is not the same as the lynx.cfg file for all
> shellworld users  is likely to  have differences.
> Additionally,   as I understand it, the feature cannot be saved in the
> options menu.  No idea where you are making the change, but my personal test

In lynx.cfg:

# When doing a GET, lynx expects the server to provide a Content-Type, i.e.,
# the MIME name which tells it how to present data.  When that is missing
# lynx uses this value.

loads the program variable LYContentType, which appears in the options

    /* Preferred content type: SELECT */
    PutLabel(fp0, gettext("Preferred content type"), preferred_content_string);
    BeginSelect(fp0, preferred_content_string);
    PutOptValues(fp0, LYContentType, content_values);

and also is listed in LYrcFile.c:


which says that the "ENABLE_LYNXRC" feature applies to this:

though I overlooked adding that to the comment-block in lynx.cfg,
when I added it to the source-code in March 2018:

2018-03-21 (2.8.9dev.17)
* add PREFERRED_CONTENT_TYPE defaulting to text/plain and options-menu to
  replace an assumption in HTMIMEConvert that everything is text/html.
  Since most servers provide a valid Content-Type for HTML, and are more likely
  to omit it for files lacking a known suffix, defaulting to text/plain is a
  better choice -TD

This (in your lynx.cfg) should allow that to be saved from the options
menu, into ~/.lynxrc:


> involves logging into shellworld itself with my own account, and using the
> services here, not an alias.  Did you log out entirely from your setup
> before trying again?
> Karen
> On Wed, 9 Feb 2022, Chime Hart wrote:
> > Well, Karen, I was about to think you were correct. I tried switching an
> > option in my LYNX to html, exited, and went back to that site, no
> > changeThanks
> > Chime
> > 
> > 
> > 

Thomas E. Dickey <>

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