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[Lynx-dev] Ot: how email size is established?

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: [Lynx-dev] Ot: how email size is established?
Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 22:17:30 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all,
mostly asking here because of all the bright minds working in various formats. Tiny background, because of the many things I do professionally, I often need to send files, to others, to my office email, to so they can be converted to other formats, to staff for editing and the like.
For well frankly decades this has not been an issue..until now.
I am sending a file that is slightly larger than 7 meg.
However I am getting a error claiming that the file exceeds the slightly above 10 meg size restriction. Odd thing is that I have sent the same file previously, with no error at all. what I am seeking as a short term solution is a way to understand how programs decide email size...even if the email itself is entirely blank, I am getting the error.
No idea where 3 meg or so is coming from  and cannot plan accordingly.
Also cannot reach our administrator, so again seeking to discover a solution.

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