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Re: [microdc-devel] MICRODC2

From: Vladimir Chugunov
Subject: Re: [microdc-devel] MICRODC2
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 18:07:16 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Hello Max,

the 0.15.6 release has several bugs - sometime user process crashes with SEGV but the main application remains running.

The microdc2 has 5 different processes with sequential pids - during TTH calculation the 5th process utilizes some CPU, but there is a bug (I didn't find it up to now - it was derived from main microdc project) and the main process starts utilize 100% cpu... up to now there is only one workaround to deal with it - just restart microdc2...

microdc2 doesn't take a lot of memory - your log confirms that: just only 0.1% of your total memory is used by microdc2 process shown - of course it mainly depends on number of entries in the filelist but there are several people using microdc2 with really large shares and there was no problem with memory usage - at least after version 0.14.0...

Regards, Vladimir.

Max Enikeev wrote:

I'm using microdc2 0.15.6 and I've noticed a problem with writing a logfile

I'm tryind  set filename /var/log/microdc2/common.log
but when somebody getting filelist (or maybe something else) microdc2 crashes with segmentation fault

Is it my fault or a real bug?

Else I've noticed high CPU and memory usage while indexing files

top - 17:41:09 up 24 days,  7:18,  1 user,  load average: 1.12, 1.14, 1.17
Tasks:  80 total,   3 running,  77 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 1.2% us, 6.0% sy, 23.5% ni, 48.1% id, 17.8% wa, 0.8% hi, 2.7% si
Mem:   2059696k total,  2043548k used,    16148k free,     1748k buffers
Swap:  2097144k total,      128k used,  2097016k free,  1778220k cached

32277 root      31  16 13196 1148  312 R   58  0.1  23:47.76 microdc2

Is it normal? Will the CPU and memoru usage be less when indexing finishes?

Sorry, my English maybe poor..

Waiting for an answer..

Best regards,


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