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[Mingw-cross-env-list] [PATCH] Build locales for wxWidgets

From: Moritz Bunkus
Subject: [Mingw-cross-env-list] [PATCH] Build locales for wxWidgets
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 12:32:11 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.5.3


I'm new to mingw-cross-env. So far I've built my project MKVToolNix ( http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/ ) with self-built cross compilers or with Ubuntu's pre-packaged versions and a lot of self-built libraries. Now I want to switch to gcc 4.6.1 due to its support for C++11, and Ubuntu's still at 4.4.x. So I came across mingw-cross-env.

Setup succeeded so far. Building MKVToolNix succeeds as well after installing these packages: make JOBS=8 gcc gettext boost bzip2 curl flac expat libiconv mingwrt ogg pthreads vorbis w32api wxwidgets zlib

So what I noticed was missing for my purposes are three things:

1. For packaging the installer for MKVToolNix I also need wxWidget's compiled locales. These are not built by its default Makefile and hence not installed. Therefore I propose the attached patch which builds the locales. You need to have gettext installed (meaning the host needs gettext, not the mingw gettext) as you need the msgfmt executable. I don't know what this project's policies about locale files are but I noticed that there is at least one package that installs its locales (libidl) after the "make" shown above.

2. A package for libfile ("magic")
3. A package for liblzo

I'll probably work on 2 & 3 myself, but maybe someone else has already done some work in that direction as well.

Kind regards,

Attachment: wxwdigets-build-locales.diff
Description: Text Data

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