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[Mldonkey-devel] mldonkey/distrib/TODO and GUI

From: su blanc
Subject: [Mldonkey-devel] mldonkey/distrib/TODO and GUI
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 13:39:50 +0100 (CET)

Hi all,


First of all nice to see that mldonkey is still alive and all these people being seething with excitement.


This thread is mainly addressed to the mldonkey developer(s) but everybody is welcome to participate.


Further to your message in the users mailing list, I would need to get few clarifications and see what could be the modifications/improvements (during my spare time that is currently so short :) ) in the newgui and try to keep some coordination and consistency.


So let’s start from the TODO file to see what is still applicable (it’s more or less a personal brainstorming).


TODO list for client


* Suppress all classes in newgui.


I’m afraid to understand ... But in the mean time (as I’m not an OCaml expert  - to be honest not expert at all) what is the benefit of that ?



Let's schedule our work:



For 2.5:


  - GUI:

      * Add columns for tags (or display tags in the margin)


Do you mean in the results list ?

What are the tags names expected ?

For example in edonkey : bitrate, codec, length and availability are relevant. That’s why I created the related columns in the results list (instead of the “property” one). But it is a fixed layout. That might not be suitable with other networks tags. Am I right ?

The use of tooltips, popup windows can be done to display the tags (but not 100% user friendly – you need to ‘focus’ the line) in case we do not know

exactly what is the relevant list of tags for all the networks. Do we ?


      * Give more information on why a connection failed


I guess you are speaking about a client <-> client connection. Is it still a current task. Because we have already the following information :








"Ranked n"

"Queued out"

"Ranked n Out"

"Failed %d" (- n - 1)    (maybe to detail this ?)




Maybe we can change here (new proto) the state 'downloading' in 'downloading n' (n being file_num if we are sure that we can download only 1 file from 1 client)  


For 2.6:


  - Misc:

      * Interactive downloads (popups for one file with

progress bar)


Could you be more precise ?

I’m currently implementing a popup window, a la G2gui, to display more info of a file (especially because of multi availabilities). Is it this ?


 - Searches:

      * Make difference between Subscribe and Submit searches clear


Maybe in the tooltip related to the button ? But I would need details as I don't catch the subtle difference.




Before 2.4 :)



* Try to display more information on where the memory is used... in the GUI ? with shared files ?


Rename the “Graph Tab” in “Statistic Tab” and add a table to display it (maybe make a graph).

This will reduce the size of the downloads / uploads graphics which are IMHO too big.

What kind of info (new opcode ?) can we use (is it equal to the console command mem_stats).


GUI asks Memstats -> CORE [opcode N1] (Timer to adjust in the GUI)

CORE sends Memstats -> GUI [opcode N2]



* Upstats doesn't work very well in GUI, More stats ?


Could you explain ?

Maybe include also the ‘client_stats’, ‘gstats’ in a Tree in the “Statistic tab”.

GUI asks RequestNetstats -> CORE [opcode N1] (Timer to adjust in the GUI)

CORE sends Netstats data -> GUI [opcode N2]


data grouping together all networks (client_stats for edonkey, gstats, etc ...). Common format for all (tags ?).


Format ? Should be suitable to build and update a tree.


* Replace network column by network icons, file state by icons too


Done ?


* Button "New Shared Directory" in upload


Done ?




* GUI: strange bug: pausing on one file pause two of them...


Is it ?


* In gpattern, if an item from the selection is removed, the selection is not updated


It should not be difficult to update the ‘selection’ list in gpattern in case of list clearance or line removal. And not as it is done in Ok I will propose a patch.


* Some toolbars are not correctly updated between text, text+image, image


Done ?


* Add an option tab similar to the one of mldonkeywatch


In progress ... but that will be a popup window.


* Send all the locations to the GUI with their chunks


Done ?


* Hide already downloaded files


What about the current downloads management in the GUI? Is it suitable ?




+ Add a button in the tab_result to add to friend a file source (gui protocol -> file sources)


I think it is better to add in the popup menu ? If result belongs to the soulseek network then add in the popup menu “browse complete directories” (like in the rooms) and add ‘file source’ as a contact in the “Friends Tab” (we could use the existing opcode BrowseUser source_num).

Where will be ‘file_source_num’ (maybe it is already implemented) ? in the tags ?



+ Remove all downloads from a given user


Could you explain ?

In the downloads tab, if file network is soulseek, when file is “expanded”, a click on a source will give :

. add to friends

. remove all downloads from this user



The same in the friends tab.

If friend/contact belongs to soulseek, a click on source will give :

. find friend

. remove

. remove all friends

. remove all downloads from this user


“remove all downloads from this user” is sent to the CORE (new opcode Remove_all_user_downloads user_num) ?

The CORE will answer with several (FileInfo file - FileCancelled).


+ Display the number of new message per room


Could you explain ?




 * Change the color of tabs when things change


That could be funky, but we have to avoid making a Christmas tree :)

Here is a proposal (The color allocated is the first case encountered) :


Networks Tabs :




Servers Tab :


(use the same colors than in the servers list)

No server is connected

At least one server is connecting but none is connected

At least one server is connected


Downloads tab :


(use the same colors than in the servers list)

At least one file is completed

At least one file is not available

All files are available but none is downloading

At least one file is downloading


Friends tab :


You have a address@hidden

No files listed

Files listed


Search tab :




Rooms tab :


No room

At least one Available room but no opened room

At least one Opened room


Uploads tab :


Uploads inactive (= no uploader)

Uploads active


Graph tab :








  * Correct display of availability.

  * Popup

+ commit page to select saved name


Could you explain ?


KNOWN COMMENTS (from savannah and forum):


If a server IP along with a colon seperated port number

is specified in the Server IP box, and enter hit, then

it gets added. This would make copy/paste from a list

of servers lots easier.


Done ?


Saving upstats would be nice, as well as some way of

resetting it, to get a better idea of which files to

keep shared.

The downloads panel is a little busy, and not good for

small screens (some people still have to use 640x480) Perhaps move the 'save files' to an incoming tab?

(which can flash when it's got files in) On the same lines, why not show the filename/details

(the one above the colour bar) in a line, with name in

one box, size in the next (perhaps with bytes/Mb

added), and the format in another, with the colour bar

as the last item in the line, taking up the whole width

of the client, with the 'connections' panel only

popping up over the right-hand-side of the screen when

a filename is double-clicked (or when show connections

is picked from the menu)

The MD4 recover might move to the incoming tab, and the

ed2k file to below the filename/colourbar line, and

automatically change when a new file is clicked,

to show the ed2k: link.

Maybe the cancel/retry-connect could move to the

connections panel? On the search results tab, it would be nice to indicate

number of results per file, to give at least an

indication of availability.


Is it actually still applicable ?



Other Question :


Protocol 18 :

What is the use forecast from the new Network flags (in opcode 20)?









Note : maybe too long for a first time :)


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