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Re: How to fight abuse of mldonkey [Was: Re: [Mldonkey-users] Emule]

From: Maxence Guesdon
Subject: Re: How to fight abuse of mldonkey [Was: Re: [Mldonkey-users] Emule]
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 13:35:36 +0200

> You mean a web-of-trust style or some monetary system?
> I'm thinking about a monetary system. Each action costs something.
> Each client accounts for the actions. If you upload the same you
> download the money balances and you don't have to pay and don't get
> payed. Thats the easy case.

Just my opinion here: Having a monetary system is not very good
for rare files, or not very popular files. Imagine you have songs
from a group almost unknown and you share their songs. The problem
is that almost nobody downloads these files from you since it is
an almost unknown group. Then you can't download much. And worse,
you begin hosting songs you don't like, just because they are
popular. I think this system advantages the already popular songs
(which often don't need such 'advertising'), and make rare songs
(which can be good) more difficult to find (since not shared because
nobody wants them). I think it does not serve cultural diversity,
and I would be really sad if the network allowed me to find
only the shit that Universal and co want us to listen.

[Excuse my poor english :-]


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