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recovering lost downloads [Was: Re: [Mldonkey-users] upgrade from older

From: Goswin Brederlow
Subject: recovering lost downloads [Was: Re: [Mldonkey-users] upgrade from older version]
Date: 08 Oct 2002 04:56:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

Bjoern Boschman <address@hidden> writes:

> hi guys
> I'm using mldonkey-distrib 1.99b4 and wanted to upgrade to the new
> version, so my question: Is there anything to look at ? Last time when I
> had moved my mldonkey to another disk all download were lost :(( So I
> don't want this a second time

I just had another user on irc with all his downloads aparently
gone. It can happen that mldonkey forgets all your files (corrupts the
files.ini). Mainly that happens if you kill mldonkey at an odd moment
(kill as in ctrl-c not as in "kill" command in one of the guis).

But its not that bad. The files are still in the temp dir and
"recover_temp" starts downloading them again. But that will download
everything again it seems.

I added a "Perforate file" to the context menu of mldonkey_gui for
files. Perforate file should scan the file and punch holes in it where
there are only 0 bytes and keep all parts != 0.

At the moment, in its simple implementation, it assumes all of the
file as beeing present and calls verify_chunks (which marks chunks
with bad md4sum as absent again). It needs the file_md4s to work, so
after recover_temp you have to wait for some source to tell you the
md4sums of the blocks.

So in the case, even though its a very faint chance, you are loosing
all your downloads upon upgrade, there is a way to get nearly all


PS: patch should appear in the patch manager soon
PPS: should mldonkey do this automatically for recovered files?

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