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Re: [Mod-guile-devel] Autoconf files

From: rm
Subject: Re: [Mod-guile-devel] Autoconf files
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 11:07:00 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 11:10:49PM -0400, Dale P. Smith wrote:
> The current method of just load'ing .scm files was just so I could get
> something going.  I actually want to make mod_guile flexible enough to
> do just about anything.  The current mg_scm_handler needs to be written
> in scheme and a good way of abstracting it so other kinds of handlers
> could be written easily.

Yes, that was my idea with a generic 'guile-handler'. That way one
can easily add more/new ways of request processing to mod_guile.
This is pretty much the wa mod_perl does it.

> I see a whole spectrum of scheme-enabled web pages.  There is the basic
> html with a little bit of scheme thrown in here or there, possibly
> written using a gui web development tool. There is just raw scheme that
> uses display to generate html. How about something like a scheme based
> markup language? Like laml or some of the stuff that address@hidden has
> done.  I'd like to see handlers for all of these, or rather, I'd like
> the hooks to be there so that these (and any other) handlers are easy to
> write.
> At any rate, I was planning to at least have some kind of caching of
> .scm files to speed things up. The .scm file would only be re-read if it
> changed.  

I wounder whether it's worth the time. The kind of 'FastCGI' approach
(let's call it guile-script for now) is usually used on low to medium
load websites -- the time to read a guile script most likely can be

> I also don't like the idea of passing the request rec in the
> Request global variable. Ugh!  But .sch files don't really have
> arguments.  There are lot's of questions on how to go about doing these
> things, and I was getting stuck.  I was hoping wiser and more
> experienced people could offer suggestions and insight. ;^)

Again, the mod_perl way (and i think it is a rather elegant way)
is: a handler is just a function of arity 1 that gets the request
passed as its only parameter and that is supposed to return a result
code (int). mod_perl (ab)uses perl's module system as a way to control
namespace. A configuration directive like

SetHandler perl-handler
PerlHandler Ralf::Shop::Catalog

will tell mod_perl to call the function 'handler' from the 
'Ralf::Shop::Catalog' module. As an optional second parameter
i could specify the name of the function to call, in case i
want to put more than one handler into the same module.
So i'd suggest having a similar approach in mod_guile: a apache
configuration directive 'GuileHandler' that takes as its parameter
either a list (-> module from which the function 'handler' gets called)
or a pair of the form (list . symbol) wich gives the module and the
name of the function to call. So a sample handler file would look
something like this:

|  ;; file samples/dump-request.scm
|  (define-module (sample dump-request)
|    #:export (handler))
|  ;; Since interesting-values isn't exported it doesn't
|  ;; clutter the global namespace. This would solve your
|  ;; concerns about unintentional catching of bindings from
|  ;; other handlers/scripts.
|  (define interesting-values '(remote-host path-info server))
|  ;; And since define is executed only once during module
|  ;; loading, we get some kind of cacheing here for free.
|  (define expensive-data (query-do-database-on mars))
|  ;; our handler function
|  (define (handler the-request)
|    (display  "<html><head><title>Request Dump</title></head><body>")
|    (for-each (lambda (thingy)
|      (format #t "~A -> ~A <br>" thingy  (get-value the-request thingy)))
|      interesting-values) 
|    (display  "</body></html>"))

In httpd.conf:

<Location /whereever/dump>
 SetHandler guile-handler
 GuileHanlder (samples dump)

 # or, if we want to be explicit
 GuileHandler ((samples dump) . handler)

> > Oh, i also would suggest adding a 'guile-script-handler'. I have mo-
> > dified mod_guile.c that way, so one can do the following:
> > 
> > <Location /guile-scripts>
> >   AddHandler guile-script-handler

of course, this should read:

      SetHandler guile-script-handler

> Yes.  Have you ever looked as quixote?  It's in Python, not Scheme, but
> there are some ideas in there that are ver interesting.  Like the way
> the module namespace and the url name space sort of blend together.

I had a brief look at it (when i do webwork in Python it's usually 
in Zope): that's another way of combining the URL hierachical namespace
and the module system. I think some Java Servlet engines do the same
with the class hierarchy.
For now i'd stay away from it: for me there are still some questions
with this approach -- guile's module space is hierachical 'by accident',
it doesn't carry _any_ semantic meaning. Module (foo bar) doesn't inherit
or share a namespace with module (foo), for example. Maybe something
like Zope's tree of _objects_ (rather than classes/modules) would be
more appropriate. But for that we'd probably need a way to save an
object tree to disk ... more work for the guile comunity ;-)
Oh, and of course we all need to wait for the module<->goops integration.


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